I recently attended a national conference for my job in Gifted Education. The Father of Gifted Education was there -- Joe Renzulli. Joe is to Gifted Education as Bill Gates is to Technology. He is the Godfather of Gifted Ed. I have read all his research, poured over his studies, and worshipped all his checklists. He is my hero. When I saw him on the agenda, I almost peed my pants. All these years of referencing Joseph Renzulli, of quoting his research, of hanging on his every word and HE WAS GOING TO BE AT MY TABLE. I was so giddy with anticipation, when he sat beside me, I simply blurted out,
"I cannot believe you are here!" "Why?" he asks.
"I thought you were dead!"Yea, that is me...on my way up the corporate ladder.
Cat, it was fun meeting you and seeing Kristy again at the State Directors' meeting. Love your blog! I remember when I first met all the gurus of gifted ed. What a thrill to meet the people I had quoted in presentations.
Tell Kristy Hi. It will be warmer in Tampa!
Mary Nebraska Department of Education
Welcome to the club. I have said my share of stupid things in my life. Once, at my child's Little League game I said to a woman, "Who would name her child that awful name?" Obviously she would.
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