Baby Twerp has started potty training. Why? Why you ask? Cause it will save me $20 a week which is at least one new outfit a month...for me. -- Not because he will be three in August or because he is askining me to potty in the toilet but because I need new outfits. Yes, this is how shallow I am -- I mean what are the chances he will be going to kindergarten in diapers, seriously? And we are not taking any breaks for we pull off the side of the road and have little breaks like these....potty training has never looked so good.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
And We're Off...
We headed off today for a little mini vaca cause this unemployment stuff is stressful and I had to take a vacation from it all...I mean the grueling stressful demanding days is all I can handle.
Baby Twerp has started potty training. Why? Why you ask? Cause it will save me $20 a week which is at least one new outfit a month...for me. -- Not because he will be three in August or because he is askining me to potty in the toilet but because I need new outfits. Yes, this is how shallow I am -- I mean what are the chances he will be going to kindergarten in diapers, seriously? And we are not taking any breaks for we pull off the side of the road and have little breaks like these....potty training has never looked so good.
And then we stopped here...and let me just say...
this with three twerps on my own is alotta work.
Baby Twerp went and got all crazy after two hours and did this.
And then after three hours...this...
And after four hours...this...
L'od have mercy on my soul...
I think if we would have stayed another five hours he would have gotten his elbows wet.
And all of hell might have frozen over.
Can you tell she is my daughter...this is where I wanted to be...but with Jose, my Cabana Boy, handing me margaritas and fanning me with palm leaves...and feeding me grapes...seedless, of course.
But at the end of the day we headed back to our hotel plumb tuckered out.
But ready for another fun filled day tomorrow...but inside cause we are a wee bit sun burned.
Baby Twerp has started potty training. Why? Why you ask? Cause it will save me $20 a week which is at least one new outfit a month...for me. -- Not because he will be three in August or because he is askining me to potty in the toilet but because I need new outfits. Yes, this is how shallow I am -- I mean what are the chances he will be going to kindergarten in diapers, seriously? And we are not taking any breaks for we pull off the side of the road and have little breaks like these....potty training has never looked so good.
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Peeing in a plastic toilet on the side of the road while watching Finding Nemo. Priceless.
My mom used to make me strip right in the aisle by the clothes rack in Montgomery Wards instead of taking me into the dressing room to try something on. I think I must have been 5 or 6, but I am still traumatized...can't you tell?
WOW That looks like so much fun!!!!
You all deserve and I give you major kuddos for stopping on the side of the road for baby twerp to use the potty and even be there next to him holding the DVD player so he had something to do. :-)
Have fun on your mini vaca!!!!
Oh, can't wait to hear what you do tomorrow!! Enjoy, enjoy!
I almost drowned at a waterpark once. I was 19 years old. Yes, the water was about 3 feet deep. Don't ask. It is WAYYYYYY embarrassing!
That Baby Twerp of yours is living dangerously! ;-)
It looks like y'all had all kinds of fun!
We did this a couple of weeks ago too and the kids had a blast, I think we are going back before the summer is over.
I love your blog - just added you to my daily reads!
Have a great mini vacation...
Well I have to say you're the first I've ever seen have a potty chair on the side of the road. LOL. Not something you see everyday. It looks as if the water park was lots of fun. Hoping to take our kids to one this summer as well.
I love the pictures of the boys in the fountains! That's so cute. Enjoy your time away!
We must shop at the same place, lol. Yes, you are right, they will potty train themselves eventually. Until then, they are scared of waterparks. I'm sure that MUST be it. He was afraid if he got wet, he must of peed himself. LOL!!
Your kids have it made-potty on the side of the road-floating in a raft in the middle of the water romper room??? They have it made-I agree-Have fun!!
I linked to you from Confessions of Pioneer Woman comments. When I came across you and heard the Dr. Pepper song, I realized we could be friends:) Loving the blog, you make me smile! What more could a girl ask for? (I loved you and Baby Twerp dancing kung fu style!)
note to Kim: my ballet teacher had me strip in front of the photographer cause i had the wrong top on. still traumatized 40 years later. holy hey seuss ...BT in the water!
I want one of those potties... LOL wow, how convenient. :)
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