Today was my birthday -- I am not telling you how old I am although you can look at me and tell. I
actually never quite understood people who would not tell you their age. I mean I can look at you and see you...and now I have become one of those people. I do remember that when I watched
When Harry Met Sally for the first time, I thought they were ancient...now I am in their age. Kinda...but I look younger than they did, right?
So we went to my fave restaurant [cause restaurants are to people in the 80's what theatres were to people in the 60's] to celebrate my decline to adult diapers and crow's feet and I think I was a little more excited than some...what do you think? But it was so because this is the first time I have worn earrings in 6 weeks and black heels...and gone without my days of the week underpants...I kid, I kid, kinda.

But I was so stoked to be out in public with make-up on and Dr Pepper lip gloss that I looked over at Indiana Jones and told him I was going to go wild and crazy and throw all caution to the wind and order wine. This was the look he gave me...he is such a
fuddy dud.

But I ordered it anyway cause I am too old to mess with this stuff and I ate
pepperchinis by the dozens cause they are spicy and hot..like me, kinda....or maybe I am more like the aged cheese...old and stinky...I guess it is all who you ask.

And then I ate tons of bread which made my thighs circle round my throne and sing my praises. I mean I only have a few good years left, right? Should go ahead and fatten myself up.

Then I said, ''
Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash. But I would be proud to partake of your pecan pie.''
And this Twerp even gave me half of a half of a half eaten
breadstick...it is so love.

So I shared my spaghetti...but just one piece cause I think it has gluttons and pesticides and vegan byproducts...and motor oil.

Then we came back and ate a Stone Cold Creamery Cake..peanut butter cup as a matter of fact. Or as I
affectionate call it...
Just Glue It To My Hips. 
And some ate more than others...

Onward we celebrated...

We partied on to the
firepit and someone was a little

But we had a little fire-side chat...

and called it an evening... cause at that moment I knew, I knew the way you know about a good melon...that I looked my age, all 24 years of it.
Happy Birthday, Country Girl!
I love your firepit! Good choice even if it is round!
Happy Birthday!!!!! Oh and I think you should ditch the teaching and stay home and write books. PLEASE, I just love a good book.
Happy Birthday!! I hope it was just fabulous!!
well, happy birthday! it looks like you had a grate day! i love the fire pit, you are going to have so many great family conversations around it!
Happy Birthday! I wish you a year full of pleasant suprises, unexpected opportunities and of course, lots of laughter and love! You deserve it!
Well Happy Birthday Country Girl.
Looks like you had fun with the fam. Enjoy it all!!!
Happy Birthday CG! Breadsticks, cake, and a cozy fire with a guy that looks at you with so much sweeness...what more can you want?
Happy Birthday!
Thanks for being there for me throughout these years! I love you! I miss you and your kids...even Eldest Twerp!
Happy Birthday CG!
You say it's your birthday! my birthday's in july too! the 29th.
Hope you had a great day! and are you glad you put in that firepit it looks like it,my hubby was glad to see you hubby using lighter fluid he uses it to but he never wants anyone to know Shhh... when I take his picture by the fire he moves the bottle! he's funny like that, oh well I still love him just the same. Lanny:)
Happy, Happy Birthday!! You look great and I like you even better knowing your fav restaurant is my fav too!! I could eat there every day if allowed! That's my annual birthday dinner place of choice as well! Glad you had a fun night out with family!
Happy Birthday! You are looking good for 24!
You can tell IJ this story. My brother was squirting fuel onto an already flaming fire once and just like in the movies, the flame lept up the stream of "highly flammable" liquid and caught the whole can on fire, in his hand. He screamed and threw the can down, right into the cedar tree full of dead needles, and the can exploded. The cedar tree went up in flames like a dead Christmas tree (which it kind of was) and the corner of the garage caught fire, in which my dad stored all his engine toys and all the various fuels required to keep them running. Need I say more? Luckily, my brother only had 1st degree burns on his hand. But the fire was spectacular!
First time to your blog...So, Happy Birthday! You made me laugh and almost spit my coffee this morning. You're very funny. Love the pictures and I think you're lovely as well. Blessings to you for his upcoming year!
Happy Birthday (a day late) - you are BEAUTIMOUS!
I recognize those dinner plates - tell me - did you INDULGE in the alfredo sauce for your breadsticks? OMG. Give me the details. And talk slow.
I wanted to let you know I passed on another blogger award to you. You can pick it up at my blog when you want to. Enjoy. And you do Make my Day.
Happy Birthday - along with my first visit to your blog, the week is just about perfect probably! We watch WHMS every New Years Eve. Not to celebrate the year we got married or met or any of that stuff - it was the first movie we watched on our first VCR. I love marking momentous occasions like that!
Happy Birthday! That fire pit looks almost like it could be a Saturday night in Indiana. :)
Happy, Happy birthday to you! I agree with Sandel...you can't get a real job, we would miss you sooo much! I was away at camp this past week and I was having Country Girl withdrawls!
Well it's obvious! You are 27! HELLO anyone can see that! Of course you are one year older than me, but who's counting!! I love that you are in the photos!! I just wish you were'nt so darn pretty! Now I will have to photoshop the cra.. out of any photos I think of posting!! Happy Birthday to you pretty girl!
i just knew we were kindred spirits. my birthday was 7/10 but i am just a smidge older than you..more like meg ryan's age now... i could check... Happy day to you you beautiful thang!
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