I just big pink fuzzy heart with glitter love tennis. Why? Why you ask? Well, cause I am a lover not a fighter and because it has LOVE in the score...and how perfect is that! Who could possibly not be mesmerized with a sport that has LOVE in the score? It is so accepting and, well, loving. People feel so harsh saying
You have a big fat zero...so we replace it with a much kinder word like love.
So, Middle Twerp continues tennis lessons this week...following in the footsteps of his tennis pro mother. No, he is not adopted.

I am making him take tennis lessons cause I have deep unresolved issues that I did not buy the Canon Rebel in which Andre Agassi gets second by millisecond shots captured. I in turn bought the Nikon and I need a tennis subject to make me feel better about myself and the issues of choosing between Nikon and Canon-- Middle Twerp is all I can afford.

But he has some skills. He can aspire to walk in the magic of his mother's footsteps.

And especially since he can hold a transformer and hit the ball at the same time. I cannot wear sunglasses and hit the ball at the same time. We just worked through me being able to let my Eustachian tubes contract while I play. Don't worry. The docs have a close eye on me.

Oh yeah, back to my child....I am not the center of attention right now. Gosh, I hate moments like these. But like I was
sayin, Middle Twerp has quite a little arm on him and he ain't half bad. He is actually just starting to get a little confidence built up..but then...then...
This mom walked right in front of the tennis magic being propelled from my child prodigy and she got knocked upside the head...and she so over-reacted....

And Middle Twerp walked to the side lines like a whooped pup. He felt awful.

The coach tried to tell him that you gotta expect a few losses in a big operation like this. He did not listen.

Then he changed tactics and told him he was giving him extra points for hitting a target. So, the score is now
15 - love.
Uhm, I think this might be the beginning of something not so good....for some reason, I think he is not feeling the love.
Lemme at her!
Nobody makes Middle Twerp cry and gets away with it!
Let's blackmail her with the photographic evidence that SHE was the nut job who walked in front of a tennis ball.
{{{fanning self}}}
Okay, now I'm a bit more rational.
Give Middle Twerp kisses for me!
I hope she feels bad for making a little boy cry!
I hope she feels bad for making a little boy cry!
kim -- i just love you...you make me smile so much...and you can see how defensive i was..i never put down the camera.
what a moron!! What did she do? I dont even like the looks of her in that photo. I'm with Kim, this got me too upset. His face is so sad!! Makes me want to squeeze him!!
Ohmigosh, I hope you let her have it! Shame on her for messing with his game like that. Shaaaame. She had it coming.
That woman is a "whack" job for sure...pun intended!
Guess she wasn't "feelin' the love"...she needs to listen to some Barry White (Can't Get Enough of Your Love) before she "heads" to tennis lessons.
Poor middle guy. I LOVE tennis too!! Hope my kids will love to play it in a couple years too.
want me to get my ex, Guido, and "string her racquet" once and for all?. show MT old videos of McEnroe and Connors to get him back on his game! The Twerp will rise again!
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