If there were ever a child to be named PERSONALITY it would be this one. Nothing is ever done "normal" or quietly or status quo. Nope -- he has a face for everything.

I tell you, this is not coached -- it happens naturally.

I have no idea where this comes from. All we have ever said is SMILE.

He was born with expressions -- with animation -- with pizazz.

He is just like his daddy.

It is creepy how he got none of these things from you! LOL!
He is just too cute for words!!!
I told ryan I don't remember your kids being this cute and he said they aren't she photoshop em. Then I said Really She photoshops personallity into them? He said yes !
He really is nothing like his mother.....You can so see that! lol :) Meemaw
P.S.You know your children are angels straight from heaven!
didn't your momma ever tell you your face is gonna get stuck like that? ha ha!
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