It is an unfortunate event, but I bore a child into this world without a brain. I am unsure if he had it at birth and then lost his ever loving mind -- or if the absence of this mass was a genetic defect passed down from his maternal side.
Either way, it ain't there.

Now looks? He got a double dose of those -- from the maternal genetic side too, right? Hello? Hello? (crickets). But sometimes I have to look at him and say, Thank you Lord Jesus for giving him looks. Cause he is gonna need it.

Cause today? He pulled the fire alarm at school. And evacuated hundreds of children and had firemen responding to his cries for attention.
He's so cute. That is all I can say. And he might not live to see tomorrow.
Oh my. Well. Um. I guess now he knows what happens when you read 'PULL' and do it. Hey! At least he CAN read. *snort*
Miss you! Hope you are not traveling too much.
LOL...what a little rascal!
Boy's what can you say- I have 3 of them. Just wait until they hit the teenage years and get "teen- brain" AKA head up their butt syndrome!
You are right...looks he has. But there is hope for the development of a brain. My son, now 18, burned down a barn when he was about 7. He is now a responsible, school going, job holding, law abiding citizen who was just recently allowed to operate any type of fire bearing utinsel.
Double Wow! I never met a parent who fest up to the likins like this. Pulling the fire alarm, a classic to be shared at every Thanksgiving meal! That's why he is so cute! This is probably one of many antics to come!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!! I can only imagine what you were thinking when you got that phone call!! Children ya gotta love em. Have a Happy and SAFE Halloween and hopefully he won't start no fires tomorrow night in lew of Halloween!
~Molly P
I have ALWAYS wanted to do that!
Go BT!
Ummmm 'scuse me, didn't his mama call the fire department just a couple of weeks ago and get a couple of trucks and not so hot firemen dispatched for a little gasoline odor. Just saying.
Cannot . . . stop . . . laughing! Tears running down my cheeks.
LOL Well its a good thing he is cute!! Iknwo a couple of boys like this... All I can say is... THANK GOD THEY ARENT MINE!!!LOL I only have girls.. Which is a wonderful thing... most of the time...
I lay odds he does it one more time before the end of the year! ha ha!
I have a child exactly like that, even down to the blue eyes and blond hair. He pulled a fire alarm and evacuated an entire hotel once when he was four years old. He has somehow managed to live to the ripe old age 14 so far. It's been a struggle at times too. Good luck!
My 4-year old (almost 5) decided to take our golf cart for a spin back in September. Went all over the back yard before he nailed a light pole and bent up the frame.
Boys...what can you do? :-)
There was this boy at my elementary school who made a habit out of that. When we all asked him why he did it, he responded, "We don't get enough time at recess. You should thank me." That little boy went to UCSC (Santa Cruz) and partied his brains right out of his brain and became a lawyer. Ha!
my son did this too right after the movie "chicken little " came out (in the movie he pulls the fire alarm) and now we laugh about it. You will to one day:)
HAHAHAHA That's so funny. I've always wanted to do that too!
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