By Wednesday, our bags were packed and we were ready to head to the land that flows with milk and honey. The land of family and familiarity. The Promised Land -- aka Indiana.

But the breaks were pumped and it all came to a screeching halt. My spawn were a sneezing and snorting and coughing and whining so I thought (being the good mother I am) I would run all three twerps into the pediatrician and load up on antibiotics -- just in case some bubonic plague decided to infiltrated their immune systems and all. I am overly cautious like that.
Anyhoo -- after an hour in the doctor's office -- we walked out with THREE positive strep throat tests and 2 identified pusy ear infections. Nothing like the spirit of thanksgiving. Amen.
And we were ordered to STAY AT HOME. So the Center for Disease Control could be called off in the assurance we were all quarantined. Therefore, the Thanksgiving trip was canceled. And this chick was gonna have to cook.
My spawn weepthed.

But the turkey was not only edible.....

It was GOOD.

Finger lickin...


These photos are straight out of the camera shots. No photoshopping.

They really are savages.
But I am thankful for my healthy little savages. Amen.
So cute....
Glad you were still able to make turkey and the kids happy!
Yikes...strep throat! Glad they are feeling better! They definitely seemed to like the turkey...lol
What carnivors!
I ordered a smoked ham. Now I miss the flavor of turkey.
Did you buy a fresh turkey? Cause you surely had no time to thaw one. Did you google how to cook a turkey? Did you remove the sack of guts as I call them from the inside before cooking? Cause these are things I had to learn the hard way.
MT looks like he is making love to the turkey leg in the yummola photo! These would make GREAT Christms card pictures.....
Glad we got to spend a T-day with you all before you left. Looks like the drugs worked!
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