I love these spawn of mine. They bring joy. Restore hope. Refresh purity. Define innocence. Reflect pride. And make me hide my face in shame and call myself their Aunt. Cause when I looked over and saw this...I KNEW what was about ready to happen....

It was like a slow motion movie and I ran and screamed
Nooooooo---But alas, it was too late.

Heaven help me. I WANTED GIRLS!!!!
OMG....great picture!
Wait till his older and you bring out that one for his girlfriend to see :)
Oh.my Gawd! And look how PROUD IJ is! Oh Honey, I'm so sorry. LOL!
BWhahahahahahaaaaa oh how many pictures of this very thing do I have!!!!
That is hilarious! I had 3 boys before I got my girls so I have had this exact moment. We were at the ball park to enjoy a nice game of tee ball with my oldest son. After the game he went to the playground to play and yes I turned in dismay to see him taking a convenient "pee" in the middle of the playground with a grand audience of little girls watching.
Cracking up at the look of pride on IJ's face! C'mon, aren't you just a little jealous that boys can do this? Heeheehaha!
it's cute when they're 5 and no one is around to see it, but I had a 16 year old do that on my next door neighbors fence, in broad daylight! not so cute, then. The police didn't think so either.
So if that happens in 11 years, let IJ take the call from the police! ha ha!
Don't worry, happens more often than you think I'm sure.
Just up the street from where I am right now, my 4 year old son had to go to the bathroom. We were walking with friends and Reedy laughed and goes he is your son. I look at Josh and he is peeing on the sidewalk by the church. I laughed and got him to at least point and face away from scolding eyes. Germans have no sense of humor about a boy peeing in front of the church. Well except for me :)
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