Our nice relaxing evening was interrupted by wailing and gnashing of teeth. And blood and guts. Okay, no guts. But I thought it made for a better story. And I am all about the drama.

Anyhoo, Baby Twerp and Middle Twerp were jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Momma called the doctor and the doctor said.... Come to the ER you unfit crazy mother.

And the candy cane helped. A little.

But they were moving way too slow around that joint for a mover and shaker like myself. So I looked at BT and told him to get busy. Mush Mush, I said.
Then he looked at me and said, "Momma play? What is play? I heard the children in the next village speak of play. What is this strange word?"
Then I was all like, "Oh hush up and put some gloves on. Get a move on. Mush. Mush!"

The bandaid made everything better.

Not a care in the world. Take it easy. Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy. Lighten up while you still can.

Uhm, until the bandaid was ripped from his hair. Oh Lord have mercy on his sweet precious soul.

But nothing a little cotton ball filled with numbing gel couldn't handle. Numbing gel? Numbing gel? You want numbing gel? You can't handle the numbing gel.

I swear they slipped some laughing gas in the room too.

Heaven help me sweet 8 lb 7 oz baby Jesus.
mercy, that's a bad gash. Lucky he didn't have to have a head transplant!
Just think of the stories he will tell tomorrow at school! ha ha!
Good Lord! My first thought was he fell in the driveway! Now there's a good scar story:)
(Psst! BT! Tell 'em Mama hit you with her shoe. Bwahahahahaha SNORT!)
Awww! Poor Baby Twerp! I feel so bad and so squimish all at the same time....
Poor baby! Hope he's okay.
Was he by any chance All Jacked Up On Mountain Dew? Did MT Come At Him Like a Spider Monkey? I'm just looking for all the facts for the file Mam........here I'll hold your hair........LMAO, I always knew you were a critic of fabulous films!
Awww poor little guy. Give him lots of kisses and it will all be better soon!
Ah, poor guy. I read your blog all the time, but have never commented, so I just wanted to say, as a fellow mom of accident-prone boys, YOU CRACK ME UP!!!!! And I NEED a little laughter, let me tell ya! :) Keep up the good photos and blogging!
Since the next few days are going to be crazy I want to wish you all a early Merry Christmas.. thanks for letting me view your life and visiting mine.
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