So we stopped by the Air Force Base in
Goldsboro, North Carolina cause ...
uhm ... well, cause it is FREE and I big pink fuzzy heart with glitter ''free'' -- not to mention the peeps are nice and they have planes...

which so reminds me of Top Gun...

and then I cry out...Goose, Goose...and I let a little tear fall,

but just a little.

And I mean there are lots and lots of planes...but more importantly...they have...

this...hot hot hot...

And lucky for us, the base has this...

And I said,
Come on Twerps, let's get in the pool.
Eldest Twerp said,
Whoo Hoo.
Middle Twerp said,
Look at the dragonfly I found.
And Baby Twerp said,
What you talkin about Willis?
But alas I lured him this close to the pool...

and then we just tipped a toe into the pool...it was monumental.

Then two toes...a miracle I tell you.

Then, I looked away for 4.2 seconds and this
occurred. What was going on? What could possibly cause this irrational behavior?

Gasp! A girl.

Baby Twerp was plumb smitten.

But do you see how far he is in the water for this girl? I am getting a little jealous.

Then Middle Twerp came into the pic...

And Baby Twerp bowed all up.
Back up Middle Twerp. I saw her first. 
But I broke it all up with a little push pop ice cream...mom always knows best.

Do you think she will travel with us
every time we go swimming? Cause onward we go tomorrow...if I can make it through the
tragedy that occurred tonight....stay tuned.
BT will be a show-off on the high dive yet. you just wait!....
What a little cutie-patootie she is too!
i love that little piggy toe in the water.
Isn't it funny just what little boys and big boys will do for a girl? How cute they are together.
What a cute moment!!! What a fun trip - good for you!
How cute was Baby Twerp with one toe in the water. And it's so amazing what boys and grown men for that matter will do when there is a girl in the picture. Good for him for gettin in the water!!!!
Looks like you are all having a blast on your vaca.!!!!
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