Apparently there is this little seafood restaurant that has quite the reputation around these neck of the woods {aka here on base} and someone gave me a little dare that I could not survive the Rooster. Oh yeah, bring it on baby. I had no clue what the Rooster even was or is or could be, but I knew that no matter what I, Country Girl, would be doing all in my power tonight to survive it. Oh how naive I was. And I am still paying the price.
So I loaded everyone up and traveled just a little east to this happenin joint...
Where they prove their southern style with a pitcher of sweet tea on each table...
And this challenge on the menu. I was putty in their hands.
I had come this far, there was no backing down now. The boys wished me luck... 
and I got my game face on for these...
I mean how bad can they be? I love hot stuff...I can handle this rooster...
Bring it on...
Oh L'od have mercy on my sweet precious dying soul. One down....
Elizabeth, I am coming to join you honey....
Oh just keep smiling....
And number three down the hatch...
And Holy Camoly, I survived...
Oh yeah, take that baby...{Side note - my eyes are watering like CRAZY at this point and time, but I would NEVER have admitted it.}
Burp...Ouch, that burned coming back up.
But I, Country Girl, survived the Rooster.

You are NUTS! You lost me at RAW oysters!
Oh, and I have an interview Monday...a little "get to know you" w/the director of the regional center.
when you come to canada we'll make you our own brand of oyster shooters..they're much kinder on the way out!)
Yikes You may regret that in the am!! You better make sure the door is close on the bathroom!! You do not want to see that in the mirror!!You will need Tums and Tucks!!
Hey aren't you supposed to be enjoying yourself on a vacation?? What kinda of bar are you raising for those of us who don't post twice a day while on vacation!! You change in a phone booth don't you!! AND Stop looking so dang cute in every dang photo!
Thank goodness for waterproof mascara!
Hip Hip Hooray for Country Girl!
You rock! I wish I lived close to this because I would do it too - I Love Hot stuff and a dare - well thats all me!
Whoo Hoo! You go girl! That reminded me of when my son dared my oldest daughter to eat 3 large jalapeno slices for $10. She did it, but she was crying in the bathroom shortly afterwards because her mouth was on fire.
So how are you feeling this morning?
You are one brave chic-a!
You go CG. Cute t-shirt as well.
My eyes are tearing up.....just for you.
Nice t-shirt. Hope the stomach feels ok today!! :)
you didn't! you are one brave woman!! and all for a t-shirt?? well, since you are so competitive, you should know i am doing a contest on my blog, and the gift is way better than a t-shirt! there is some pretty stiff competition, you have to bring your game face...
You are my HERO!!! I can't or maybe I can believe you did that!!!
You a brave Country Girl!! I bet your kids were sittin next to you chanting your name, MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!!!!
My only question is, how are you feeling this morning?? Hopefully it wasn't so bad afterwards.
You've been nominated. Please go to my blog to see.
Hope you have a great weekend!!! Wherever you might be!!
I can't believe you ate that! You, my dear, are my hero!
I think i agree with someone else, your not done with this yet!!! :) But your rock!!! Awesome photos, did they employees all watch? Did they cheer, sing, dance, blow a siren???
Okay, are you completely insane? I thought so...
There is NO FREAKIN' WAY! I'll continue to live vicariously through you. Wish I was on vacation with you.
Happy day!
OMGosh what's next with you girl, your fun to watch I must say! Have a great week~end :)
You are a braver woman than I! Love the shirt! I also love the knife/fork trick that one of your little ones is doing. Quite a talented family! :)
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