It has been raing like Noah around here lately, and the boys are totally fine with it. Cause we all know when it rains....fishin worms come out. And to little boys, that is known as HEAVEN. So they went out worm huntin and boy did they score. And they were also FILTHY....so straight to the bathtub they went.

Little did I know they were hiding some things as they entered the tub --

there were lots of whispers and giggles, so I shoulda known...
But as i walked in, I was freaked out. I thought they were parasites from Zimbabwe. Or leaches form the movie Stand By Me.

And I screamed. Like a girl. And they threw one on me. Cause they are boys.

Then I told them to get those nasty dirty disease-carryin, germ-infested worms outta my bathtub.

And they informed me they were using them for educational purposes like compare and contrast.



And how could I say no to that???

So I let my children bathe with worms. Add it to the list honey.
you have no idea the amount of manic, psychotic, scream-inducing seizure-causing stress these pictures cause me, let alone if it happened to me in real life.
i didn't touch the worm we had to disect in 8th grade science class.
i don't bait my own hook.
i have NEVER EVER touched a worm and i don't think i ever can.
if i were you, i would have screamed, blacked out, then came to and puked.
and if IJ wasn't home, i would have maybe even called the police. or animal control. or the frat boys n the hood. ANYBODY.
WHOOOOAAAA Nelly... yeah.. i have issues with worms. BIG issues.
I know boys will be boys but gross on this. I hope they had a bath following this bath?
uh, yeah, marchelle and i are in the same boat. blech. this made me squirm and freak out. eeeeeeep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are more woman than i!!!!!!!!!!! i once took a bath with centipedes on accident- and now i cannot take a bath unless i know the tub has been scrubbed every inch of it's life. and not even then. eeeeeeeeep. remind me never to have boys.
Oh too funny! Boys! I swear!
This just caused me to go into fits of giggles. Probably because I have two boys and can sooooooo relate. By the way, when it rains I get TONS of worms in my basement...so if you are ever in MO when its raing..........
I am sorry but this freaks me out a lot!! I hate worms with every bone in my body....you are a way cooler mom then me :)
This post is so funny! I'm a country girl too, so worms do not freak me out. I applaud you for allowing your boys to be boys. You are a cool mom.
OK this reminda me of when I was 6th grade and we had to disect a worm and I had fallen love with Ramein noodles and would bring them to lunch everyday. After we did the disection and I had the smell of formaldahide in my nose I couldn't eat Ramein noodles for a year. HAHAHAHA!!! Those pictures are too funny!!!!
~Molly P
Oh My Gosh! Worms in the bathtub!
How disgusting is that? My 6 year old loves all sorts of nasty critters like that, and I am so glad that he has never brought one into the tub.
laughing out loud here! you are awesome. a few earthworms never hurt anybody.
'Squirmy wormie, you're the one,
You make bathtime lots of fun,
Squirmy wormie, I'm awfully fond of you'...
I am one with worms. I can bait my own hook. I can eat lo mein without nightmares. I've been frog giggin'. I have an iron stomach. Amen.
P.S. I'm not sure I could bathe with them. Only on a dare. If there were money involved.
Those boys are too darn cute.
What a good mommy you are to let them play in the tub with worms. I bet they had a great time. A little dirt and worms never hurt anyone.
i am so calling CPS and PETA . ..right after I stop laughing!
Oh good lord...it's taken me until today to get myself together enough to write a response. I think I passed out in the middle of reading it and then came to saw the pictures again and passed out again.
God help me CG...I'm having a boy...how am I going to survive this!!??!!?!!
ewwwww. Worms didn't bother me when I was a kid I'd chase Marchelle around the yard with them. :) They really don't freak me out now,,, but bathing with them! YUCK! I'm so glad Mega is still just a little dude in diapers...
~Uncle Trixie~
My daughters thought this was "ewwwwww" worthy. Good luck to you with those boys:)
see what I miss when I leave town and have no internet access! I am with Marchelle BTW. Double maybe even triple eeewe factor going on.
hehehehehehe that just rocks! You are a mom after my own heart. It's grouse.... yes but OH SO FUNNY!
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