The whole family joins in this nightly ritual...

We climb as high as we can ...stretch out...

and leap into the safety of IJ's arms.

Even BT has joined in the leap of faith. I thought to myself, wow -- let's see if IJ can catch me.

Some ideas are better off not executed.

Oh my hell! What a way to start my day. That is absolutely hilarious! :o)
Really? Not so funny. Very cute blog post up until the last picture. It seems a bit unkind. I know you were trying to mock yourself in a way, as in what would happen if you tried to jump, but it falls short. I do get it, and I know you're thinking it was "just a joke." It's just that being a teacher, I really try to make my students understand that it's never okay to make fun of others because they look a certain way. I do have a sense of humor, I just don't see the need to include the last picture.
Holy cow!
Wow! You REALLY have been enjoying the food on your trips! LOL!
you might ought to lay off the krispi kremes CG!
That ain't right CG.......
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I just lost my craving I had for a DQ Blizzard.
Girl, you crazy.
That is just wrong wrong wrong!!! LOOL!
Uncle Trix
LOL! My DH was channel surfing last weekend & came across a show with videos - that the people didn't think/know that there were cameras around - they had some from a bachelor party that were like this. It was pretty funny & embarrassing to watch some of them.
That is just wrong! LOL!!!!
OMG! My the secret porn picture of me has been leaked on the internet!
That last picture is crazy funny!
I should seriously post this on my fridge. LOL
That is too freakin hilarious. I love how the toes are blurry in a curl of . . . ?
And btw, i don't see any offense. Some men prefer that, who are we to say? And if you're fat, you know it. I mean really, right?
Moderately fat woman luahing out loud,
I think we are all mature enough adults we don't need to be scolded by....what's their name??? Oh yeah it was "anonymous". Last I checked this was YOUR blog. Don't think any of us are forced to read it! ;)
You want me to photoshop that for you? I know this skin-smoothing technique that might take care of some of imperfections.
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