Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Are You My Soul Mate?

UPDATE: See my answers below....Working Mom? We shared a womb.

Treasia asked me to answer some questions (sorry, but you can't play now). And as with all things, I wanted to ask you guys what you thought. Then I figured, hey let's see who knows me the BEST. So, take a stab at the following 5 memes in my comments section and tonight I will see which bloggin buddy is my lost soul mate. Go forth and guess.

Five things I have a passion for:
1. Dr Pepper with Lime
2. Vanilla Lattes
3. Toe Nail Polish
4. Twerps
5. Lip Gloss

Five things I would like to do before I die:
1. Live on the Farm in Indiana
2. Raise Beautiful Twerps that take care of their momma
3. Make People Smile
4. Make People Believe in Themselves
5. Make a Difference

Five things I say a lot:
1. Glitter
2. 8,421
3. Seriously
4. Like
5. As if

Five movies I have seen five times:
1. Juno
2. You've Got Mail
3. When Harry Met Sally
4. Wedding Crashers
5. Napoleon Dynamite

Five things I wish I was doing right now:
1. Calling for Jose so he can fan me and feed me grapes
2. Making a list for Harold
3. Vaca in the Mountains of Montana
4. Investing in People and Making a Difference
5. Getting a Pedi


Marchelle said...

1. Twerps, IJ, teaching, Indiana,
Dr. Pepper (in drink or lipsmacker form)
2. have another baby, move back to Indiana where all the cool kids live, teach again, blog 4-ever & ever amen, raise the best kids in the world
3. "seriously", "sweet tea", "I kid, I kid", "8,421", "Where is Jose?"
4. Steel Magnolias (?), Ghostbusters 2 (ha), Napoleon Dynamite, Juno, Stepmom
5. watch Jose clean the pool, watch Harold clean the house, do crafts with Martha, living in Indiana, laying on a beach with IJ & the kids

The Kelso-Winter Family said...

holy hey seus(s) thank goodness that workin' mom is your soulmate ... as for me i just love visiting with you and sometimes stoppin' over for some wine and meatloaf and a little tattlin' on the twerps...

Marchelle said...

i have to tell you...i guessed at those, and then i did me some country girl research...i looked at some of your old blogs and i was freakin' out man when i read one about all the stuff you like and dislike. we TOTALLY shared a womb.

too bad you're not back home again in indiana!! we could have play dates and paint each others toes and drink wine and listen to motley crue. =(

Dreams of a Country Girl said...

WorkingMom ~ when i come visit my mom and dad in indiana maybe we can hook up for a pedi and some wine....

Marchelle said...