Meet Picker....I mean Pucker...No, wait...I mean Tucker....Oh...I see...I meant

We found
Moonspot caught in our garage this weekend. He had a long cable attached to his collar and had gotten all tangled up in my well organized, immaculate, you could eat off the floor garage. I tied him to the big
ol tree in our front lawn in case some one was
lookin for him and gave him some water. He loved me. We bonded immediately.

Middle Twerp immediately came out and named him Picker...why? Why you ask? We no longer try to figure him out. This name changed by nightfall to Ticker. We have been working on rhyming words...does it show? Then by morning, he was Tucker.

And he had left mounds of this....

And these were everywhere...

And he needed some work done... I mean there is already too much
testosterone flowing in my house. If we kept him the toilet seat would never be down and I just could not
handle that kind of stress in my life right now.

I knew that we could not handle another day of rhyming. It was too precarious of a situation. it was like playing the Name Game in Junior High with Chuck, ya know what I am saying?

So, after days of looking for an owner, I reluctantly called....
And they came...and doesn't he look like a a dog catcher? Seriously, if you saw him at the mall would you not think, ''Ah, look...a dog catcher.'' Cause that is soo what I would think. But the dog catcher knew this dog....Moonspot had been picked up before. And his owner came last time and his owner would come again.

And Picker, Pucker, Tucker,
Moonspot looked at me like this....and I cried. What if is owner was crazy and had multiple personalities, he should stay with me....Oh wait, that is right...that describes me....shut up Lucy...I hate it when she talks. She is such a know-it-all.

But he went away -- to a life like
Lady and the Tramp. 
And I miss this already...little Tucker...but if we would have waited another day it could have gone from Picker to Pucker to Tucker to ???? And Lord knows what Lucy would have said.
L'od hear my prayers.

oh no.....I'm looking in my crystal ball and I see a dog in your future....beware.....
But it's interesting to see testicles at 8 a.m. in the morning, no?
hope 4 grace
i think it is interesting to see testicles at anytime of the
I, too, was thinking that was an interesting thing to see first thing in the morning......during my ritual of browsing blogs. Yours is definitely the first one I have come across displaying such testicles! ;-)
The pictures? Not so bad - the "tenticles"...but the poo - ooh!
~Mad(elyn) in Alabama
CG - you made me laugh! Testicles at anytime of day are interesting. Yes!
He's a cute dog! I would have cried too.
Well my 4 & 8 year old little girls were with me when I was checking out your blog and when we came to the "poo-poo" pictures they were like "EWWWW" and the 8 year old said "who takes pictures like that"..... then we got to the "testicles" picture... oh my... guess I should have told them to leave the room, she then said "mom who is doing this blogging"... so I say "It's the mystery woman- you don't know her" and I'll keep it at that to save your identity safe and secure and free of discrimination from my children- ha ha ha ...
Have a good day- I have a feeling you'll be visiting the pet stores :)
pta mom,
please send me the bill for your children's therapy. i am so sorry
Country Girl...
It's just like you to include an anatomy lesson in your blog...once an educator, always an educator!
All that was going through my mind was the song "Do your ears hang low, do they wobble to and fro", but the word testicles keep popping up instead of ears. Must be Lucy's influence!
Testicles shmesticles!!!! :-)
I love that you show no fear when posting. :-)
But I have to agree with hope4grace, I see a puppy dog in your future!!! The kids aren't gonna let you off that easily.
A little "hanging" around is always a treat first thing in the morning. He is a cute dog.
i can save you a trip to the pet store! what are friends for...right??? buy one yellow lab puppy and get a calico kitten and a bag of flees for free! only a bargain i will make for you my friend... so how 'bout it??? i will drive the 20 hours to deliver them personally!!! help me i am drowning here...
Country Girl, don't you have already have a dog? I thought I saw a chocolate lab in a pic from an earlier post?
You did the right thing for Shucker. He'll rightfully get back to his owners that way. He was probably lost, ran off by fireworks. Or the incredible urge that he must feel to find love. If thats what doggies call it. Hee! ;)
yes..we have a chocolate lab...jeter..and we are NOT getting another dog...but if I were I would get this one...but we are not..and he has an owner and his owner loves him and feed him vienna sausages with beer.
awww.. Tricker's owner needs to have a good talkin' to so that his pooch isn't always leavin' him for greener pastures in your new backyard... but good for you ....
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