Guess where we spent our day?

Ding, Ding, Ding...the beach. It is where we spend almost all our days. Due to the fact that I am
UNEMPLOYED and have no agenda or schedule or appointments or purpose. And please notice Baby Twerps
adventurous nature. He is now starting to wade into the water and be all crazy. I started to praise him.
Way to go Baby Twerp. Woo Hoo.
Apparently that was TOTALLY the wrong thing to do and every mom should know how
embarrassin it is to give a two-year-old encouragement and praise. Lord have mercy.

So he covered his face and climbed out of the lake, refusing to go back in.
Mental Note # 1: Ignore Baby Twerp's successes. He does not like attention.
Mental Note #2: Do a DNA test to make sure he is my kid.

So he climbed over to the picnic tables sulking and wanting to be left alone. It was awful quiet over there and EVERY mother knows when the crickets start
chirping, you better go check on them. What was he doing?

Oh my Lord have mercy on my soul. After one little puff last week, he is now addicted. We tried cold turkey. It was too much for him. The Patch was not gradual enough for him.

I did what all good, supportive, well-educated, and well-meaning mothers would do. I smacked that dirty nasty thing out of his mouth and told him,
"Jesus saw that. You better hope he forgives you."
Then, I looked over and saw this...

and this...

I don't know, it
mighta worked.

What do you think?
Oh, how sweet! You have the all powerful touch! Can I get you to come to my house and smack all MY kids!! C'mon I see the power before you!! LOL!! What a great post!! Still giggling!!
OH. MY. GOODNESS. That is THE sweetest thing I have ever seen. EVER.
He is the cutest little sinner I've ever seen - and I've seen a lot of them! : )
oooh you've got a keeper of a threat on that one! priceless photos - save for his wedding day
OMG that is the cutest thing ever.....okay, totally handing over my Mother of the Year deserve the props
I BLOGGED ABOUT YOU TODAY! I got so tickled!!!
Love your little praying twerp.
~Mad(elyn) in Alabama
Oh my goodness, I can't believe he did it again. :-) I think you might have put the fear of God into him this time. :-) I'll tell you that is so cute at the end there, so cute you just can't be mad.
I think he's been watching too much MTV or something. Where did he learn to take a drag like that? Country Girl, do you have a dark secret you are trying to tell us? But, in all honesty, I don't think it's much to worry about, cause we used to smoke candy cigarettes, yes, they used to market candy in the form of cigarettes, and only one of my sib's turned out to have the real habit.
That is hysterical! Maybe you're raising one of PWs offspring.....
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