But let me just tell you right now that I am in love -- I mean totally smitten, HEAD OVER HEELS [or is it hills]. There was a British lady next to me -- the one whose brother died two weeks ago -- she asked me if I was a professional dancer - I hesitated a moment waiting to see what kinda dancer she was talking about, anybody know what I am sayin? But she told me I looked so elegant and beautiful I must be a professional ballerina. Then I tripped over my bare feet as I was putting my mat away. Ho ho hee hee giggle giggle snort. But I love her.
So I got home and read Pony Girl and she had asked me to post a pic of where I blog. So, I snapped some pics of the vastly ginormous plantation and thought I would give ya a tour. Ya know, in case you are a 53 year old man who reads this late at night in your whitey tightie underwear and plan on coming and chopping me into a million pieces, you will know the lay of the house...just tryin to be helpful and all.
This is my kitchen. Okay let me just say that I am a negotiator. I get this from my dad -- and honestly, I love it. Let me share with you some of the deals in this room. We went to this little shop that was going out of business and I worked myself over some deals. Let's take a look, shall we?
- Curtains -- $2 each -- I saw them on her windows and asked if she would be interested in selling them. I got four of them cause that is how many they had. They even came with the rods.
- Butcher Block Desk -- $27 Again, I think it is the cutest thing sinced sliced bread [and let's face it, who can compete with sliced bread?] and it was regularly $90.
- Chair -- $9 and YES I am going to paint it black.
- Rug --$10 It is black with cherries and blackberries and cute as a button
- Mason Jar -- $1.20
- Light Fixtures -- I kid you not -- Home Depot -- they are two of the same, just one is turned down and the other up. They did not have what I wanted so I asked him if I took two of these off his hands, if he would let me have them for $22 each -- AND HE SAID SURE. Gosh, I love Home Depot.
This is downstairs in the playroom. I just love these and we play school every morning and do our calendar/circle time and I seriously LOVE these -- even if I did not have kids I would make Indiana Jones do circle time with me every morning. [Don't go there]
Playroom view 2....
Laundry room -- I spend the rest of my days in here...
Eldest Twerp's room -- she loves her new quilt BTW -- Thanks for the advice.
Middle and Baby Twerp share a room. I just want to say that I do LOVE the curtain in this room.
The view from my room -- I do love having my kids close by at night. In our old home, they were on the other side of the house.
The guest bath....
My bedroom...please ignore the box in the corner....It is all the paperwork from my last job...and ya never know if they might need me again, cause I am the only one who could ever possibly do the job well -- at least that is what I need to believe.
Now this is my least fave room of the house. The downstairs table use to have 2 leaves in it and 4 more chairs...but it does not fit now so the master is used as partial storage....and the chest at the end of the bed was given to me as a wedding present from my brother and his wife and I love it -- but I need to recover it to match, and I need a curtain...but to me, right now, with all the chairs, it feels like King Arthur and the Knights at the Round Table. I have no idea the psychological meaning and issues behind that.
Master bath...there is a shower and toilet behind the door too...
But still, I spend my days here.....with you.
What a gorgeous house! Looks very much like a loving home. And the huge backyard, too! Simply awesome. :-)
I love it. You have really put your mark on the place. Now, can you come to my house, cause I serioulsy have a ton of junk/crap that I need to get rid of so I have that non-cluttered look for my house too.....
thanks for the tour! it looks great! i see that you got that bead board baby you were talking about! now you have it and i am left with none! your home is beautiful!!
oooh!!! one of my most favorite posts! i am a snooper. i love to look around other people's houses. i think sometimes it weirds them out, but i just love decorating and checking out how other people do.
you get an A+, by the way!
Brown walls in every room, very creative...:-)
So pretty!!!! You did a great job decorating!
"whitey tightie underwear"...you crack me up!
~Mad in Alabama
yes...i know brown walls...actually it is triple mocha latte and i lick them every morning cause i have no life and am on a budget and can't buy starbucks now...but if you only knew the story behind the walls ... you would understand. you are an observant qt....
I love the whitie tightie comment. Cuz you're right you never know when they may come after you. :-)
I love your house. And maybe because I'm wierd, I love the color of the walls. And I would lick them too. :-) BUT I really love your bed set. VERY VERY CUTE!!! And the kind of colors I would love.
Great job on your decorating. And just so you don't feel alone, my kids sit perfect and read books too. ;->
Beautiful job you have done there. Is it feeling like home yet? I hope you get to habitat in it for a while and that they build a starbucks close by for ya :) Your bedroom set is great and I love the furnishings on the wall above it! Thanks for sharing!
"chop to pieces"....oh that is creepy
Nice job on the tour..it is always fun to see where everyone lives.
Me and my friend Lee want to come visit your plantation... or better yet pack up the Twerps and cross the northern border to see us!€ We don't have sweet tea but we do have vino!
Oh whitie-tightie, laugh out loud!!
Thanks for sharing your space! I really like your home and how do you have no clutter with 3 children?
Like the "teacher room." I do circle time (actually, we call it a "meeting" now, you know, transfers into the real world better. Gotta prepare those 5 year olds for when they are making the big bucks in their office space.)
I liked the fresh vase of flowers by your laptop. Did the sweet twerps pick their mommy some dandelions?
A lovely home! And only one box in sight. We've been in our house for 4 months and I still have a bunch, I mean a BUNCH, of unpacked boxes. I need to go through them. Just one a day would make a difference... but I don't want to! So, the boxes are still sitting around. Waiting.
I like the color of the walls!
You've done a wonderful job of making that house a home for your family! Beautiful! I'm just jealous that you have more than one bathroom, so that tells you where I'm coming from. :)
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