Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Don't Stop Believin'

Yesterday....yesterday was August 4, 2008 and you can see by my Google calendar what I had planned....after sending my friend a birthday wish, I spent the rest of the day in deep meditation and preparation for the concert of my dreams. The tix were at my high-powered, big-time, CFO cousin's office in the city. So we had actually not SEEN them until we picked them up on our way to the concert...and oh how beautiful they were. Now for those observant SANE people in the reader pool, you have already picked up on a little issue here. But for those of you more concerned about your lip gloss application and eyebrow art, like myself, let me break it down for you...cause I love you and all.

Yesterday was MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 2008.And the tixs were for WHEN?
Houston, we have a problem. [What would Steve Perry do?]

PS Also notice the NO CAMERA warning above...this will become problem number 2 as we dive further into this tangled web I have woven. It will also explain why this post is delayed...and I have no pics......insert weeping and gnashing of teeth.


Hope4Grace said...

Oh I have a not so good feeling about this........

Mama C. said...

Hiya! Just popping in from PW's blog to "introduce" myself. I'm Cheryl (a.k.a. Mama C.), and I'm always up to meeting and making new friends -- especially those who are just a tiny bit bent, like me! :)

Does this mean you didn't get to see Journey at all, or just that you couldn't take pictures? I'm a HUGE fan of Journey, but I don't know if I'd even bother seeing them in concert at this point -- even though his replacement sounds so much like him it's kinda spooky, it's just not the same without Steve Perry.

Hope you'll pop by my blog and say "hey", too! :)


Marchelle said...


Calamity Lace said...

I have the same title for one of my posts...and needless to say, my attempt at seeing Journey a few weeks ago didn't go so smooth. Hope your ends up turning out alright!

Treasia Stepp said...

I hope it doesn't mean what I think it means.

Anonymous said...

So, Bert and I did the same thing last month. Mandy had bought us tickets to see Boston for JUNE 30. Somehow I logged it on the calendar as JULY 30 !!!! Ugh. Love you. Heather :)))

PS -- I had a bit of a relapse yesterday (didn't take the sleeping pills the night before) but I am better today.

Hope4Grace said...

Hey you, tagged at my place......and could you hurry up and finish this story? I keep refreshing to see if it's up!

♥ Becky ♥ said...

HOLY COW.!!! I would be so mad.
I'm sorry that a)you missed the concert and b)they weren't going to allow cameras.
I'm sad for you, that would have been a great concert.

Tracie said...

OH NO! This is me slunching my head between my shoulders. (yes, slunching is a word-I just made it up)