WARNING- The above side effects may occur at 2:00 in the morning if you indulge in a night of back to back sob movies like Sleepless In Seattle, followed by Cast Away, followed by A River Runs Through It . Side effects may include, but are not limited to, wailing, weeping, gnashing of teeth, red swollen puffy eyes, snot nose, ugly cry, and frequent runs into your children's bedrooms to steal kisses.
I am warning ya, it leaves one looking horrible....Stick with Blazing Saddles.
ppppffffbt! You look great for a crying, sobbing, gnashing teeth Country Girl.
i watched cast away too. you still need to see bridges of madison county. OMG.
and stop it - you look beautimous!
I think your beautiful either way! I love to visit your blog daily, you alway have so much to say!
I am new to your blog. I love it because: you are darling, honest, real, funny! Keep sharing:) Heidi
AKA: Mother of two grown daughters, Young grandmother to Cooper (6 mos) and yearing to live in the country!
Okay, can you please come over and teach me how to "do" my hair.......? Please? Even crying, sad hair looks great on you....please.....
Wow I wish I looked that good after crying. Mine is a scary site. My hair never looks that good.
If only I looked that good after a good cry!!! :-)
I dont think my hair has ever looked that good either. Darn Country Girl!
Ok, if that is what I get to look like if I was sad and crying and wailing. I will do it, sign me up.!!
You look beautiful no matter what.
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