When I interviewed last week with the VP of the company, I was a little unsure of myself. Nervous? Not really. Just insecure in my qualifications and if I would be the type of person he would be looking for. The process seemed to be long and arduous. After the lunch, I received a call frommy would-be-boss asking how I thought it went. I responded positively, but more importantly, I asked how the VP thought it went and if he noticed my new shoes or not. The response I got was the VP said it went well and uhm...well...uhm..his response was...was...INTERESTING.
And that was it. INTERESTING? INTERESTING? What in God's green earth did that mean? Were they restructuring the job? Looking to find someone with more experience? More firmness? More flats? Cause I do not own a single pair of flats. Sorry.
Then while I was lounging at the pool at Disney world at 5 pm Friday night...I got the call. The call that offered me the job. And towards the end of the conversation I asked, "When I asked you about the lunch with The VP, you said his response was INTERESTING. Are there any concerns he might have or hesitations that I might be able to clear up?"
My new boss belly laughed and responded, "No. No. No. Not at all. Basically, the VP said it was a no-brainer to hire you and if I let you get away, then I was fired. He said 'HIRE HER, OR YOUR FIRED!'"
Well Golly Gee, next to WILL YOU MARRY ME...those are the sweetest words I think that have ever been spoken about me.
So I start November 10....and....on my FIRST DAY...I will be....in...CHICAGO! I know. I am so super stoked. Hello WINDY CITY. Hello Chi Town. Hello starter of When Harry Met Sally. Hello Lover. Anyone wanna eat dinner with me Sunday night? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
So for all the detail lovers out there...here are some details schmetails...Enjoy!
The company I work for is a a not-for-profit examination board. They have been in existence since 1900 and manage many different standardized tests which generally help individuals in high school planning to continue their educations at a post-secondary level.
They are headquartered in New York City, but also maintain thirteen other offices in the United States and in Puerto Rico. The current president and CEO is honestly the kindest man and most extraordinary leader I have ever met. Next to IJ.
I worked with the company at the State Department of Education and was drawn to them based on their overwhelming desire for EXCELLENCE. If a product, presentation, or program was not of the highest standard, it was scrapped and never presented. I admired that and was in awe at every event I attended. Every one of their employees was genuinely concerned about our program and gave us the desired attention we needed and deserved.
So anyhoo....I love them like Dr Pepper lip gloss.
Among the functions of the regional offices are the development and execution of professional development programs for teachers and school counselors, as well as research into and product development in the area of financial aid. We are completely about EQUITY AND ACCESS for ALL students to succeed and have a sense of college readiness. We are currently engaged in several top-to-bottom school redesign programs that aim to increase achievement by poor and minority middle and high school students.
We are funded by grants from various foundations, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Exxon Mobil, and the National Math and Science Initiative. We operate autonomously within New York City public school buildings.
This is where MOI, ME, NUMERO ME-O comes into play. I have been hired as the Grants Manager for the company. Currently, I am focusing on NINE states in the southern region. And if I can prove success, then we will replicate this position in every region. Therefore, as you can see, this is a NEW POSITION to the company. Why? Why you ask?
Every year grant money allocated for schools is not given due to poorly written grants or no applicants. My job is to secure this funding for school districts through grant writing professional development, school program consulting and fundraising. These grants would then enable districts to provide our RESEARCH BASED programs in the schools and ultimately help more students have the access to the rigors of college prep courses and programs.
If you understand ANY of that, then you should probably have the job instead of me. Except I wanna keep the blackberry. Cause when they called today and asked me about it...I sent them this pic as the one I want to order....

I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship. Amen.
Hope your job goes well! That phone has some sparkle!
-sandy toes
well congrats on your new job!!! I have taken grantwriting classes in my behav. sci. curriculum, and they are so important, and SO easy (to mess up) I am sure you will do great!!!!! CONGRATS again!
congrats again, and thanks for the details this time! gees, you really keep us humming and hawing! So, what does this mean will become of your blog? Because you can't abandon us now you know...
Oh how exciting! Congratulations, I am wondering how you find time for your new job, since blogging must come 1st. Haha! But we all enjoy our daily fix of Country Girl. Good luck with getting ready for the new job.
WOW!!! Sounds exciting and overwhelming all at the same time, but I am sure you will do a fantastic job. CONGRATS again.
details schmetails...are you driving or flying to chi-town?
stupid question, i know. but i was just gonna put it out there that if you were driving i would so meet you at the taco bell of your choice in indy.
the job sounds UH-mazing and you will be perfect for it!
Way to get your dream job!
What an amazing job! You will be perfect for it - which they obviously recognized right off the bat. Congrats!
Awesome ~ I sure hope you will still have time to blog ~ or I'll be having so major withdrawls....
do you have any IDEA where i LIVE???!!!?!?!?!????
lo -- well honey child...we should hook up...email me
Congratulations. This job sounds amazing and so fulfilling. Which sounds like important to you.
I think you will do amazing at this job!!!!!!
Have fun in ChiTown, I love it there!!!
OMG, omg, OMG! Congratulations!!!
Way to go, CG! Sounds awesome!
P.S. How did the "ball" go?
omg, omg! OMG! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Way to go CG!
well congrats! break a leg CG.
way to go .."hire her or you're fired" yes! they'll never know what hit 'em..pretty soon you'll be CEO! if you have a spare min.go to the Field Museum in Chicago..and eat a giant steak and an even gianter portion of mac-n-cheese at Smith & Wollensky. I'll sit for the Twerps while you is gone. ship 'em up in breathable boxes...don't use FedEx though as they charge brokering fees..try DHL..or best yet..keep driving from chicago up here ..you'll have 10 days before start of new job!
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