Indiana Jones in not much of the party animal. While we are at the park gettin down with our bad selves - IJ takes the opportunity to get a few shut eyes in. I mean he does go to work at 5:30 am every morning. Although I have never actually been up at that hour, I have stayed up until that hour. I think we can count it the same and all. That's I all I am sayin bout that. I am done and all now. Thank you.

Anyhoo, when you get my two boys together with a sleeping parent....

Their minds starts twirling...

And what APPEARS to be a good, funny, innocent idea at the time...

Can soon turn on you.

And the victor can become the victim.

And I would come to this poor baby's defense

But I had this camera in my hands and all.

And I knew you all would not wanna miss a beat.

This is how dedicated I am.
A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Keep snappin those pictures...
Definitely. Journalism is of the utmost importance. The people need to know.
I mean, Ernie Pyle didn't get a highway named after him for nothing.
I have an idea. You see I was really impressed with the stuff IJ said during the election, and I was just wondering, how about a new tag, wisdom from IJ and make him a regular contributing writer.
I absolutely love this post. IJ is a great Dad!!!!! Some Dads may not have been very happy about that situation. But he embraces it and makes it fun. Your family is truly L.O.V.E. defined.
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