So we went out to eat at IJ and mine's favorite restaurant. We go almost every weekend -- it is a local place and the chef knows us by name. This week we could not find a sitter so we took the twerps and decided to eat on the rooftop -- a little noiser and they usually have a band so I thought we would be "less conspicuous." But oh how so so wrong I was.

For some reason we could not get the boys to sit down. They just stared off the balcony. It was like the were hypnotized -- mesmerized by something below. Maybe a kitten. Maybe a snake. Maybe a puppy. Maybe motorcycle. Whatever it was -- they could not take their eyes off of it.

MT?? BT??? What is the heavens are you all looking at?

What BT? Girls????

There are sweet little girls down there?

Oh sweet 8 lb 6 oz baby Jesus lying in your crib. Oh heaven help us!

I need blindfolds....

Hellllllooooo Girls! My name is Baby Twerp! How are youuuuuu?
To cute!!!!
LOL!!! Thanks for my early morning laugh!
AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!! He is quite the Ladies Man!
HAHAHAHAAHAHHA!!!! Too funny, love it. Wait til he's 13 like my brother and tells you he has kissed a girl and you just melt inside and want to shrink him down to a baby forever!!!!!
~Molly P
Little heart breaker already!
This is just to funny! Boys will be boys no matter what age.
yes, ma'am! You have some healthy southern boys on your hands!!
HA! Too funny. But girls are pretty mom!
Uncle Trix
As Hubby would say "Start em early!" Too cute!
LOL that is too funny and cute!!
That's so funny. I can see what Matthew will be like at 5. I have a hard time already getting him to focus on food if there's a pretty girl or lady around to flirt with.
That is Hilarious!!! I know IJ was proud! I bet he got a "that's my boy".
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