Eldest Twerp made it home from camp last night -- exhausted and excited. I remember those days. I am so pleased she is experiencing it now too.

ET has 2 "group leaders" that spend an hour a week investing and mentoring her -- and it was only fitting that they went with her to camp to fill the shoes of her "Camp Counselor." I know they will have a forever impact on her. I still remember Val, my camp counselor.

She beamed the most about the 12 new girls that she met and bonded with and
"straight off the bat connected to, ya know?"
Oh Lordy have mercy on my sweet precious soul. Please do not give IJ any ideas.

But you know what else I remember from camp? Cooties. Lake cooties. Shower cooties. Mold cooties. Ugh!

And the first thing I had ET do was unpack and take it ALL TO THE LAUNDRY ROOM! To kill the cooties. I told her it was ALL dirty and infested with camp germs.

She couldn't believe me -- I mean some of the stuff she had not even worn!!!

Look mom -- this smells clean, do I have to wash it?!?!?!?!?
Excuse me, I just gagged and shivered cause a camp cootie is now in my house!
i cried every day of camp, the one time that i went, and my mom even came and got me a day early. i am a big baby like that.
i'm so glad ET had a good time - what fun memories!
i'm sure everyone else at my camp remembers me as the girl who cried all day and all night.
I never went to camp:( But we had some great family vacations! Glad ET had a good time!
three words:
bleach kills germs
I remember camp. I STILL wear the nightgown I took to camp when I was 12:o
Haa! Looks like fun though! I'm glad she had such an awesome time! I never went to camp myself. I know. I'm such a looser.
Aww, I remember my oldest and camp. She is so sad that she is 18 and cant go to camp anymore . She LOVED it. In fact the first year she went she called because I KNOW she was homesick but wouldnt admit it. She said she was worried about her Grandpa. They finally snuck her away and let her call . Ever since then she loved it. As she got older she didnt love all of the activities like hiking, biking swimming etc. LOL.
Now that she is 18 and newly graduated she jsut want to be my baby again. She changed her first tire today! Boy Howdy! She was so proud of herself. I showed her what to do step by step and she was SOOO proud of her self.
Farmgirl Paints comment made me LOL *snort*!! I loved camp!!! I'm glad ET had a good time!! My DD has been gone to 4H camp for 3 days and comes home tomorrow!! It's so quiet when she's not here LOL!!
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