And can I just say Middle Twerp's skillz have improved tremendously after a year. I am quite certain it is from all the time and effort his extremely athletic mother has spent with him. These hours have taught him all the fundamentals and appropriate high-level, advanced skillz that only a super star athlete like myself could possibly pass along.
Like how to take a break in the 8,421 degree temperature. It looks like you are strategizin....kinda.

Or how to take the hat off and cool off while appearing to look like you are keeping your eye on the kid on base. Makin sure he ain't gonna steal or nuttin.
Yep, that is what you get when you have a pro-baseball mother like Country Girl --
Skillz. Mad, mad t-ball skillz.
But Baby Twerp? Lawsie Mercy. He has natural talent.
I kid you not. He chased every ball and knew exactly what to do.

so adorable!!! why is BT looking off to the side? were you over there taking pics too??? :)
I'm having a hard time deciding who looks cutest in their ball cap?
um, is that BT in the front row lookin off in left field? heeheehee
"i looove him! i love him sooo much!" yeah, i know, there i go again with another raising arizona quote... sorry.
p.s. i may be gone for now, but i am with you in spirit. and in your comments. amen. hey maybe the blog vacay will free up some time for me to get back on twitter!
Adorable:) Amazing how you can take something potentially boring...like baseball and make it so entertaining. Looks like a great season.
LOL!! That was to cute, love the pictures!! My DD is constantly dancing while she's on the field for her softball games LOL!! And not just a little bump dancing, she full fledged does her jazz and tap routines :~)
Cute pics! Kids and sports are so much fun!
Its going around...check out my blog! Ultra cute!!!
How long it has been since I squatted down like that......and was able to get back up again!
~Mad(elyn) in Alabama
BT looks so serious about the game. He is so cute!
Awesome photographs. Seriously!
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