Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Van Halen

So I got free tickets (front row) to see Van Halen last night. You know the 80's band with hair bigger than a 1984 cheerleader with a can of Aqua Net. I was excited but not passionate about this concert....until...

I saw Eddie Van Halen show more and more attention to the young guitarist on his right. The only one who was NOT an original member of the 70/80s band. I first thought it was so sweet of him to take this young musician under his wing, to care for him. What a chance of a lifetime. As time went on, it was impossible to NOT notice the chemistry between these two guitarist. I soon realized, it was not just anyone standing in the Van Halen...the original bassist (Michael Anthony) had been replaced by Eddie's 16 year-old son, Wolfgang -- and he simply tore it up. He did not need the spotlight but he was solid in his skills and even tossed guitar picks to his female fans, like father like son. It was quite a sight!

I am now a new Van Halen fan through and through.....who could not relate to the love he had for his son and what a relationship they must be building? And I know he is still in love with Valerie, especially since she lost all that weight. Ah, Eddie is my new hero. Van Halen ROCKS!


Cristie said...

How cool is that! So where is the picture of Wolfgang?

Kila said...

They are still among my favorites!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

I LOVE Van Halen!