The past 24 hours have been busy, busy, busy. Cause if I stay busy then I do not have time to think about how I am unemployed and only dream of a life.
Last night we went to the beach and played a little volleyball with some church folk.

Middle Twerp is such a ball hog. His is just like his
mother father.

Then the older children had to convene about this atrocity.

And Middle Twerp had to take matters into his own hands.

He began moving the competition off the field. Hurry along ma'am.

Right this way little sweetie. Keep em moving along.

I realized we were going to start making enemies fast in this new town so I moved us down to the lake for a little swim time.

I will give you one guess as to who did not get in the water...

Well, neither did Indiana Jones. But they cannot help it, they are allergic. Terribly allergic. It is such an awful sight. Have you ever seen Hitch? Need I say more?

Then today we made it into the big city to take a visit to the zoo. We spent almost the entire time in the petting zoo...Baby Twerp wanted to brush out the animals.

I mean these girls had some nappy hair and all. He at first though they were his momma...he is use to this kind of hair propaganda.

Then he found Isabella and she just sat perfectly still and let him brush her back side. Then she lifted her tail...

And I said Run Baby Twerp...RUN. And he made it out int he nick of time.

So off to the playground we went...

And then one the way home we ran across Two...yes I said TWO of these.

Times are tough as the oil companies keep lining their pockets.

Then as our bellies our bellies I mean theirs cause my belly would never grumble or rumble....It only screams and moans -- we decided to stop and eat, but we stopped dead in our tracks when we saw this sign....WHAT?

That would be like saying one of my Twerps was not welcome....which I think I would have accepted a little better, honestly.
Sounds like a wonderful day, AND a wonderful life!
Wha? No photography? Does not compute.
maybe middle twerp was trying to hook up?
What a wonderful day to spend with the twerps. What is it with water and people? I can't imagine not liking the water, but it literally takes like 30-45 min for my boy to get in even when it's his idea to go.
I didn't know that Burger King didn't allow cameras. WTH!! I'm gonna look at ours the next time we are there.
IJ and Baby Twerp even make the same face around the water!!
No videotaping or photography permitted? What's up with that?!
Glad y'all are having such a good time :)
Looks and sounds like a wonderful day. I never knew that Burger King didn't allow photos. That's just strange.
I noticed that same sign at our Burger King. It was on the drive thru window. Not sure why. Weird!
Glad you had a fun day. Baby Twerp is just like his daddy I see. On the photos and videotaping, yep, they are protecting their trademarked name and environment from being used in ways they have no control over. I've run into this sort of thing before.
p.s. YOU have a GREAT life, job or no job!
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