Remember way back when I showed you this pic and asked you what I should do with my backyard cause you all are the smartest people I have ever met, although I have actually met very few of you..but still you are the smartest peeps in the world and you always have the best ideas and answers for me and I just don't know how I could ever go on
livin without you...cause without you in my life, I'd slowly wilt and die [name that tune].
But anyways, do you remember my backyard and how I was clueless about what to do?

Well, I went out at night when the ground was cool and the wind was whispering and I closed my eyes and listened...I became one with the backyard...and let me tell you, it had a lot to say. It feels very neglected and it just wanted to be heard. I can relate. So, I listened and listened and listened. And slowly but surely it began to tell me what it needed. We started with stage one of the Plantation make-over. It cried and begged and screamed for this change to be made in the there could be laughter and the
pitter patter of dirty bare feet in abundance.
So I flew back into the house, put on a pot of coffee and did the only thing my conscience would allow. I marched up the stairs, pulled back the covers, flipped on the light, and told Indiana Jones to get up right away cause I had been talking to the backyard and it had a lot to say.
He climbed down the stairs and asked
''WHO have you been talkin to in the backyard and what did they say?''''No, I have not been talking to anyone in the backyard, just the backyard. Ya know it feels very neglected and all.''
He just stared kinda blankly and said he was going back to bed and told me to take some meds...illegally if necessary. Of course, I could not let that happen, so I shared all the pent up desires and dreams of our Plantation and he nodded and agreed to do whatever, just as long as he could go back to sleep.
I felt much better. The next morning we got started cause there was no time to waste. The Plantation had spoken. And when Plantation speaks, people listen. [name that commercial]
This is what the first 8,421 hours looked like....

Oh, how I knew a swing set would be perfect for her. But let me tell ya, this was no job for the faint at heart. It said it would take 12 hours for an adult with an adult helper....
Uhm, at least we had an adult. I mean I would LOVE to have been the adult helper and all, but I had this camera and all...

Is it just me or do you spend hundreds of dollars and the kids always choose to play in the box?

Let's take a look at 6 hours into the project, shall we? Shew-
ee it is HOT. I gotta go back inside.

Is it just me or does this look like a tee pee with a fire ring? I went and got my head dress, Indiana Jones called the doctor.

We went in the house for the evening cause IJ thought the heat had started getting to me. Really, I was fine. He can be so dramatic at times. I think he just wanted a break so he blamed it on my behavior...this happens a lot.
Then the heavens opened forth and my parents pulled into the driveway. I showered my dad with hugs and kisses and then handed him a hammer and some lug nuts and washers and other things that I had never pronounced before. Then I said mush, mush and went back into the house to talk to my mom and do woman folk things in the kitchen -- like cook up some grub.

In just a few short hours it was
lookin good. I contribute this to the fact that I had started a good foundation with all my hard work the day before. At least that was the tall tale I was

And I think they were
buyin it too. I mean it all starts with a good foundation, right? I was like the cornerstone of the entire project.

Then miraculously the box of 8,421 pieces turned into this...

And I could then hear her whisper something to me about a fire pit...did you hear it too?

I think I shall go wake up
IJ and let him know.
That looks AWESOME!!!! Great job IJ and Dad!!!!
I bet the kids absolutely love it!!!
It looks great! A fire pit would add a grown up focal point to the back yard as well!
Plants? Grass? I don't have any grass in my backyard either. But, I'd really like to have some... maybe I can just live vicariously!
That is GREAT!
I know I can always find a new FUN entry when I head over to "your place."
~Mad(elyn) in Alabama
By the Way - Motley Crue and E.F.Hutton commercial.
I cheated - I recognized the lyrics - but I am a words-girl, not a song title and group-girl. I had to pull out the ole iPod.
Awesome....and next to the firepit is the built in outdoor kitchen...
Looks great!!!
Yes I definately heard fire pit mentioned and something about a hammock
Your back yard is really taking shape now. Looking good. I hear it telling me (for you of course) that it needs a fire pit, picnic table, umbrella table and chairs as well. Maybe some plants and blooming flowers. Oh yeah, it also whispered it needs bird feeders.
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