This is the backyard of The Plantation and we have bonded. I listen to her desires and dreams and help her become all she can be. All she wants is to be heard. She has been neglected and ignored for too long.
Last week I listened to her deep desires and wants and she told me about her dreams of a swing set...I listened. She actually wanted to start her own Dreams of a Swing Set blog but I had to put my foot down there -- I don't want any competition.
But now she is starting to become restless again, and even some of you have heard her whispers begin again. So last night I went out to chat with her. She loves her new swing set and feels it really brings out her eyes, I agree. But she is very displeased with her rear area. She feels it is large and flat and uninteresting. I can relate and can help.
This is the area that use to house the hideous shed that we tore down and now she feels stretched out and nothing seems to look as though it did before the shed. I can relate. You can see the white pipe sticking up. That use to run water to the I need to decide to keep it running or just chop it all off and forget about it. She wants it chopped down and let it be over. She is tired of breast feeding this place. I also can relate.
But she whispered gently in my pit. And how can I deny her after all she has birthed for me into this yard?
Now I just have decided where to put it and what kind to put in...this is where she stops talking to me. She trusts me to do the right thing....
This is where I need your help, my wise friends...
see below pic
Option 1 -- In the Path. This would mean we would rip up the stones and use them to make more of a patio around the fire pit. It would be more in the center of the yard and much more visible from the top deck. It would also be ''clearest'' path with no trees directly above it.
Option 2 -- By the Tree. We would have to extend the path over to the side. The fire pit would be more in the side of the yard and less noticeable from the top deck. It would be directly below a large tree.
Here is the view from the top deck. Please ignore how one circle is bigger than the other, I have no mouse skills.
So what is your opinion? In the middle of the path or under the tree?

Up next....what kind of fire pit. I have no decision making skills whatsoever.
Both places look like good spots. But I'm thinking not under a tree and a little more away from the swing set. So I guess I say go with spot 1. And having the stones around the fire pit will look so awesome!!!
I also think the stones around the fire pit would look amazing. I think that's the best spot - Spot #1.
In the middle with the stones around the fire pit. That's my vote.
you so need a firepit! have you been to my blog yet today! check it out gf...
are you going to play!
i think YOU like option seemed to write like it made more sense to you.
i like it best too, by the way.
Funny....I could have sworn I heard her say "swimming pool"
Hmmmmmmm :)
--> cb in NM
yes, i heard swimming pool too but my wallet heard fire pit...
I like option 1. You may want to consider keeping the water source - just in case that fire gets a little out of hand!! :o) Wouldn't the boys love a water feature? Just think of all the mud!!
I like option 1. You may want to consider keeping the water source - just in case that fire gets a little out of hand!! :o) Wouldn't the boys love a water feature? Just think of all the mud!!
In the middle with the stones. This is so what I want to do to my side yard. Can't wait to see it when it is done. Then maybe hubby will see it and agree with me.
My 2 cents, a little late: Keep the water connection. It can come in handy. And put the fire pit where the middle of the path is.
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