I almost went with Cher's
If I Could Turn Back Time...but I finally decided on Kenny Rogers classic song
Through the Years as the title of my series. As the pics progressively get worse, you will understand nobody wants to turn back time and see me again. Now this is the
not so bad era. The junior high and high school era is MUCH MUCH worse with big teeth, bigger glasses, and the biggest hair you have ever seen. Gawd, I loved me some
But let's start here, shall we....three months old and I have doves on my dress. I was a Prince fan at heart even then.

Next comes carrot top in a carrot dress. What was my mother thinking? And am I showing some cleavage?

Then the first appearance of my little-girl-in-a-swing necklace. Remember this please. And let me just say I love me some pig tails.

Lord have mercy. I would pay a hundred bucks to know what I was looking at here. Cause in all my life, I have NEVER looked away from a camera. And I remember this dress. It had a white dog in the left corner. Leave it up to me to remember my fashion at age three.

Ah-ha...notice the necklace reappear years later--I have never kept anything that long in my life. But again, I was very fashion conscience at this age -- as you can tell by the shirt.

This was the beginning of my Pocahontas days. And my Martha sprouts too...she would have never approved of the plastic flower though. But please notice how well the hair bow matches the bow in my dress -- Go, Mom.

Kindergarten, yes this dress was a buy one get one for a penny at the local dress store on the town square. I remember trying it on in the dressing room thinking how splendid it would look with white tights. I liked this one better than the one we got for a penny.

Please notice something here -- oh yeah...that is right. My ears are pierced. And let me juts say I pined for this day...and I cried and hollered like a little bitty baby when it happened.

Ah second grade and what significant happened this year? I was so signing
All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth and boy did Santa deliver ... a size too big...

And in the wrong direction. Lord what is up with those teeth. And for third grade he also brought me glasses...that could have fit a village of nearsighted giants.

Oh look, in fourth grade the preschool necklace reappears. I must have cleaned out my ballerina musical jewelry box. Try not to be jealous.

Oh what era was this? What child of the 80's did not have a Dorothy Hamill haircut. I was a little late in the game in fifth grade, so I spruced it up with a little side parting action. I am so wild and crazy like that. And the chicken head shirt was so Weird Al
Yankovic cause I was super cool like that. Eat your heart out Madonna. And I got me some
initials on my glasses. In case they got lost..in a village of nearsighted giants...cause everyone who was anyone in
Giantville wanted these.

Betcha can't wait for junior high, huh? Just so you know I am leaving sixth grade out cause it is way too painful. Seriously.
So which one is your fave...ya know, the one you are calling your cubical neighbor over to laugh at? Please tell them I am dooce.
since we shared a womb and all, it was only natural that we had the same glasses. i had one pair exactly like yours, and a pair that were dark red, very sally jesse raphael.
How fun!!! And the theme for all these pictures is BOWS. There are lots of them! Whether it's in your hair, on your dress (or both!!), on the water pail, etc. :) What a fun walk down memory lane. I love your stories with each photo. Can't wait to see more!
I love the carrot top with the carrot dress. And trust me your pictures are not bad, mine are a lot worse.
I gotta say the fifth grade look was a riot of fun! Please don't hate me though.
Love the third grade - very Laura Ingalls Wilder with the high neck and braids.
I am so glad to see that I did not have the biggest glasses (or teeth) ever!!
Are big glasses back in style yet?
I love all the braided pig tails! I wore my hair like that too!
what's up with the bird shirt?
and the initials on the glasses - that made me laugh! fortunately, i didn't have glasses but i remember the initial thing!
can't wait to see junior high, i too damaged the ozone with lord knows how many cans of aqua net!
I love them all and I cant get over how much you look like middle twerp, or vice versa!!! Do you still have the necklace??
I loved it! This should be a homework assignment for you fans! Everyone should be required to post these!!
You look like Drew Barrymore in ET in the 3rd pic!!
I feel ya!!! These are great pictures. It's amazing what our parents would dress us up in.
I swore that I would never do that to my kids. I think I've done a pretty good job so far in their school pictures.
And just to say, I had glasses too I just refused to wear them. :-)
so when you are famous and you need a "back then" photo they'll have a lot to pick from... i'd hate to show you my pics from when i was actually to dress myself... egads!
I remember I LOT of this pics from Grandma's house!!!
Love Ya!
Aren't you too young for a Dorothy Hamill? I'm ten years older than you and had mine in the sixth grade. I am always a little behind the styles though. Maybe your mom always wanted one and convinced you how fabulous you would look.
The day after my cut, I was unusually liking my hair, and proudly went to school the next day only to have my sixth grade teacher say something like, "Oh a haircut! I thought you got too close to a lawn mower!"
I was crushed. He is still a teacher. I wonder how often he has commented thusly on all the Dorothy Hamill cuts through the generations...
Oh chuckle chuckle, that was TOO fun. You know, the one with the glasses and pink bows in the braids...that one really got me, because it was so different from the "country club girl" with her collar out of the green sweater from the year before.
Ya know what, though? You have such a fabulous smile in all of them! You must have been one happy kid!! ;)
I agree with everyone so far ... lol. My fav pic was pic 2, I think. Such a cutie, and so gorgeous now. Am I allowed to be jealous?
I also had the glasses with my initials. Ha! How cool we thought that was and how strange it is now! I just wanted to make sure in case of being trampled by giants, they would know who to call to pick up my lifeless body. :)
i love the first pigtail picture! was that your 2nd birthday pic? so cute. oh, and my best friend growing up had very red glasses, just like yours. i always thought she looked so smart.
I'm glad you outgrew the granny glasses phase.
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