Someone challenged my thinking this week which does not happen very often. Not because I am so smart that it is impossible to challenge me - we are all painfully aware that is not the case - but because I usually know what I think and am set in my ways and it is hard to persuade me of anything else -- but someone succeeded...a hard task to boot.
We have been moved to our new state in our new city in our new house for two months now and well, I think it is fair to say that I have been a little melancholy -- you could even say I have been in a funk. Why? Well, heavens I do not know...if I knew all this I could solve all my problems and save thousands on therapy.
I have fallen into that...Well what can I do mode. Feeling at times quite useless and insignificant. And it is not that I am not willing to help, but I just don't know how.
I am by my very nature a take-life-by-the-seat-of-the-pants kinda gal, and over the past few months, I have allowed life to have me by the seat of the pants -- and worse yet, allowed others to direct my life -- and I have not enjoyed the ride.
So I sat down think this through. What is it? What has changed?
I have always been at my happiest when I am giving -- and the past few months I have been quite the taker. For me, it i just my natural tendency to be selfish...if left to me and my evil desires...I am selfish. I found a recent list of things I wanted to do...
- Learn Spanish
- Ride a Camel
- Have/Adopt More Babies
- Succeed
- Be Loved
- See the Great Wall of China
- Write a Book
- Build a House
- Spend Every Moment I Can Investing in People
- Climb a Mountain (a very small one) -- okay, check this one off list.
The problem was completely obvious to me. What does nine out of ten of these have in common....Embarrassing-ly it is that they are all about ME and quite insignificant. And number five-- gawlly - makes me hide my face in shame -- yikes. Selfishness is completely at the root of all of these. I am most happy when I am a giver -- and for the most part, since being here, I have been a taker.
But what...what do I have to give? And if there is one thing -- one redeeming quality tucked far away in the recluses of my soul -- one trait that might be of has always been unconditional love. I might not have a lot to give -- but I know I can give you love.
To remedy this I have decided to give--give--give....unconditionally -- at times small, but still a start.
Maybe giving and loving will lead me to the path of where I need to be.
I started small, unconditionally today with my neighbor. She is a single mom with THREE kids. One set of twin boys...YES, I said twin boys.
Tomorrow, I am givin away my Dr Pepper lip gloss -- I kid, I kid...I am not loving that unconditionally.
is it me, or is eldest twerp in a few more of those pics than others? is she takin a likin to them boys? ;)
Love this post! Is it not true that when we extend love it returns 10x over. What a great day!
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