Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of savor and taste. I've been around for a long, long yearStole many a woman's waist lines and faithAnd I was round when Country GirlHad her moment of weakness and vainMade darn sure she ate the whole bowlWashed her hands and sealed her matePleased to meet you.Hope you can say the same.
Here are the culprits:
Blanco Queso (White cheese),
Rotel, half and half, green chilies, onion, sausage, cumin, cilantro, and two turtle doves. I kid. I kid. It is salt n

Let's chat about this cheese. I almost always use
asadero cheese, but alas
WalsMart did not carry it. So I went to Tar-jay to get Chihuahua cheese -- which was on clearance. Disclaimer: NO dogs were harmed in the making of this

I have no clue what this even means, but it makes me feel like I am doing something to make the worked a better place by not allowing
picante in my
Blanco Queso.
Anyhoo, shred finely. Or if you are like me and have no patience for shredding snobs, cut it up.

Add chilies, cilantro, half and half, cumin, salt n
peppa, and
Rotel (the
Rotel is optional)

Then dice up your onion and fry it up with some sausage. OR if you are one of those health freaks, use ground turkey...just make sure it is
picante free.
Picante Free in the new Green.

And make your skillet real hot so it gets crunchy cause that is how I like it.

Add it to the melting cheese that would have been completely melted by now had I shredded it. And add some more half and half to make it the desired consistency.

Then, like I promised, walk over to the man if your dreams...or any that is handy... and make him eat this masterpiece.

He will kiss you passionately. It happened. I swear. It was just so magical I could not get a pic.
Passionately Kissin Blanco Queso2 packages of chihuahua or
asadero cheese
4 ounces green chilies
1 can
Rotel (optional)
3/4 cup half and half (I used more probably.)
3/4 package of sausage (If you are like a total meat lover, you can use the whole thing.)
4 tablespoons onions
4 teaspoons ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon
peppa2 tablespoon fresh cilantro
Now that song is going to be stuck in my head all day long.
Yum. When my man gets home gets home this weekend Im gonna try this for him. If if fail to get passionate kisses, Im coming after you!! Just kidding. But maybe IJ though. ;)
Yumm O! I'm definitely going to have to try this one.
yum this looks good and I'm pretty sure it means not hot.
but I tell ya that kiss sounded like it was.-lol
Yesssss.....I am secretly in love with cheese. My husband is aware. I guess that would make it NOT a secret. However, this recipe sounds amazing! We will be trying it very, very soon. :) Thanks for sharing!
"...and Rotel (the Rotel is optional)"
OH NO! I have lived in SE New Mexico and West Texas most of my life. Rotel is NEVER optional! PUT.ROTEL.IN.EVERYTHING. Tee Hee! Gotta love me some Rotel!
-cb in nm
Ha, I'm looking at this and my 4 yr. old is saying, "ooo, that looks yucky". These little ones just don't know what their talking about! I think it looks de-lish.
Anyways, the Spanish-speaker in me cannot be quelled when she wants to say it's queso blanco, not blanco queso. I know, I'm a buzz kill, but the English equivalent is if you'd say the recipe was called Cheese White instead of White Cheese.
Picky picky.
BTW, what's Rotel? (See? I'm not always a know-it-all.)
Looks sooooo good! I love mexican food, it's my favorite! BUT I would have to make this without the sausage, not a big fan! So, will the passionate kiss be from IJ or from our own man??? hee hee Just checkin!
I just found this cheese at Wally World last week and wondered what all the hub bub was. Now I know.
O.K. What is Rotel? I work in a grocery store and recognize the name, but don't know what it is. Also, what are the red things in the picture. Red peppers? Or is that the Rotel?
RO*TEL has been a tradition in the southwest since the early 1940's. That's when Carl
Roettele opened a small family canning plant in Elsa, Texas. Starting with flavorful tomatoes,
he added chopped green chili peppers and a special blend of spices to create a sensational taste.
Figuring no one would be able to spell or pronounce Roettele, he used the name RO*TEL on
his products. Although they canned 25,000 cases of vegetables a year, Roettele and his wife were
most proud of their tomatoes and green chilies. Their pride was justified for it wasn't long before
RO*TEL Tomatoes and Green Chilies were gracing the tables of public figures and politicians
throughout Texas.
Originally, RO*TEL Tomatoes and Green Chilies were only shipped as far away as San Antonio,
Houston and Dallas. By 1956, they had made their way to Oklahoma and Arkansas. Then, in
1963, the wife of a popular politician in Washington bragged to a national magazine about her
recipe for homemade chili. She revealed to them the secret ingredient that made her chili better
than anyone else's-RO*TEL Tomatoes and Green Chilies. Since then, RO*TEL, with its zesty
flavor, has been the secret ingredient that's made ordinary recipes come alive.
In 1992, American Home Food Products added RO*TEL Tomatoes and Green Chilies to its
family of fine foods.
In November of 1996, the business was acquired by Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated
and C. Dean Metropoulos & Company, and is now part of International Home Foods, Inc.
Because the original RO*TEL Whole and Diced varieties proved to be so popular, extra hot and
milder were added to the product line along with Mexican and Italian.
International Home Foods was acquired by ConAgra Foods, Inc. in 2002, however, none of that
changed Ro*Tel, which is still made by many of the same people with the same ingredients. They
also still have an affiliation with legendary chuck wagon chef Crazy Sam Higgins.
Whatever variety, RO*TEL is the perfect ingredient to include when you want to add a zesty
tomato flavor to any meal.
"RO*TEL is...."The Ingredient That Makes A Good Recipe Great".
FYI - I have kids and use the Mild version. It still has quite a kick. Love it!!!
cb in nm
Ro-Tel is only optional if you live in a white bread country like I do that does not stock it on their shelves. But I'm gonna make this Queso Blanco when I can get my hands on the right in-greedy-entes. Muchas gracias..Por favor dame el Ro-tel 'cross the border pronto!
Thanks for sharing! I guess we take it for granted that everyone knows what Rotel is! I buy a couple of cans each grocery trip wether I need them or not!!
OK...That's it!!! I'm off to the grocery store! That's all of the motivation I needed! Thanks!
Yummo! This looks so good! I'll be making it soon!
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