When my cousin called Friday and invited us to their local town fair, it did not take us long to pack up and meet her.

I grew up going to our local small town fair -- the Carnies are my kinda peeps.

But more than the rides and the free fans, I love me some fair food.

I wait all year to tear into a sausage with all them there pepper and onions.

And Oh Hello Lover...who can possibly control their lust for funnel cakes? You know they can just seduce you right into their arms.

I am putty in his hands.

Uhm, exsqueeze me? What do you Twerps think you are doing? Get your own job and buy your own funnel cake!

What? What? I do not have a job either? These punks need to mind their own business.

Soon, we were off to ride some quickly put together might fall apart at any moment rides.

I love me some quickly put together might fall apart at any moment rides.

But just for future reference, eat that sausage AFTER the rides.


But at all the rides we stopped at, Baby Twerp was just a hair too small.

And he had a hard time coping with this fact,

But alas, the heavens opened forth and down reigned Kiddie Land.

Baby Twerp's life was lookin up.

And what fair trip can be complete without a little fair games?

And tractor pulls...

And pig races...

And ferris wheel rides...And we giggled and squealed....

all the way home.

I love, love, love going to the fair. One of my most favorite things to do. Glad ya'll had a good time!
I was at this same fair last Saturday, but have yet to post my pics... I actually forgot my camera...UGH, but I got some phone camera shots so we will see how they turn out... wish I would have known you'd be there sometime, would have loved to say hi and meet you! Looks like they had a blast- my littlest was asleep in the car too before we got home. I didn't get the sausage this time, but did sneak a bite of a funnel cake and then had a 5 berry smoothie on the way out-- Heaven I tell ya!!
You're a better woman than me.....there is nothing on the earth worse for me than the combination of heat/funnel cakes/sausage dogs/the tilt-a-whirl. I am a dizzy/dry-heavin' mess. Just typing it makes me a little queazy!
You were in Cumming!!! That's like minutes from my house :)
jealous i am! i love funnel cakes..even made 'em for me and the kiddo at home a few times! what is that ride ET is on laying down. i wanna go on that one!
I love the fair. I love football food. And I love all of the suits (including the pink and blue plaid -- never throw away a suit -- it will be back in style in 20 years and you will so wish you still had it !!!) Miss you and can't wait to hear from you.
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