But let me begin telling this story by saying that I absolutely love old men. Seriously, they are just the best. And nine times out of ten...they can tell the best stories in the world, if you just take the time to listen.
But the other evening I was out, in a hurry and consumed with my agenda, when I noticed this older gentleman who was a little confused. I passed by him in a hurry -- cause I was late...late...for a very important date, paying very little attention to his dilemma.
The attendant began to tell him in an annoyed voice, "Oh, you go right here and walk two blocks and then a left after the brick sign."
The man began to tell him an ENTIRELY different way to go..and then he walked off.
I patted him on the shoulder, held out my arm for him to take and said I knew right were she was.
During our walk I realized he was a WWII vet and at 18 was drafted for his first day to be D-Day. He stayed overseas for 3 months until he was shot and taken to France for 2 days for surgery, then England, then home. And he felt guilty for leaving his friends. I squeezed his hand a little tighter as he held on to the nook of my elbow.
We were about half way there in what would have been a 2 minute walk for me, had he not been attached to my arm...but he stopped, breathed heavily and asked, "Are you sure you are going the right way? This seems really far?"
I told him I was taking him the long way cause I wanted to spend more time with him and gave him a wink. I have found that winks always make everyone feel better. Even Sarah Palin knows that.
So he grabbed my arm again, grinned and said, "Be careful girlie, I have a pacemaker."
As we walked around the corner there sat Velma. I bent down and told her she better keep an eye on her sweetheart cause I could tell he was trouble. She snickered and said, "Some days you could keep him honey!" And then he touched her shoulder.
I gave him a pat on the back goodbye and watched them head to their car.
What a blessing God sent my way. Even if it did make me 45 minutes late, I still had to make sure he got in the car okay and it started. I have become my mother!
You are such a "good egg"!
~Mad(elyn) in Alabama
What a wonderful thing to read today. I love old couples that are still in love. I am glad that I have found my sweetheart and I know that he will be there for me someday when we are old. How Sweet!
I heart me old men too, actually all old people. They have so many great stories to tell and things to share that if we would only listen, we could greatly benefit. For anyone to act impatient or annoyed with them is just not OK with me. I'm so glad you were in the right spot at the right time. God has great timing. BTW - I found your cute blog through Edie's. Good to meet you, I'm Jessica.
How great you were around and helped that couple. So many would have walked right on by, as they did, and it takes only a few minutes to be kind.
You are a good person. Most people would've just left him there. Thanks for brightening my day!
Lord, aren't you the SWEETEST THING!!! I love to give a big smile and a happy hello to the older set myself. I love them and miss my own grandparents. I have never been able to help out as you did and am so impressed with you! Funny about the stalking... I wonder what he would think to know he ended up on your blog! ;D
You are so sweet...I love the feeling of being kind...much better than being a meanie!
I absolutely envy your movie experience! I am such a star struck nerd...I would have hyperventilated! LOL
So y wud we be suprised? (cuz u r like that and all!) How was it for ET going back to school? IJ gettin' a litl thin on top or did someone fall asleep with the clippers in their hands>>>>/ and u sooo did the right dress! I don't think I've ever seen u not blond...but it IS G to the orgeous!
ur Q in MWC
That was a very great thing you did. You know, everyone says you never know when you meet Jesus. He could be a child, a man or an old man, and I remember that when I see someone in need. I always feel guilty when I don't stop and help. You go girl!
Wow CG,
When my daughter (Lo of the small feet) recommended you weeks ago I thought I'd just pop over since we are at different lifestages (my being old and all). I am hooked.
I commented regarding ET and WDW since that is such a powerfully magic place for us, and I must comment on this story.
There's a special place (heaven?) for those that can see the blessings of being kind to those that need our help. We find that we are blessed as well.
Thank You.
why you gotta make me cry right before bed??
seriously, that was an amazing thing you did. it was easy and simple, yet so many people would have and did just ignore it. thank you for showing them compassion.
This was a great story. This couple was blessed by you. Not many people would take the time. Good for you.
That was so sweet of you. That reminds me of my grandparents, only it would be my Grandma that has forgotten where she left my Gramps. And they would be lost in Sam's Club - but still, reminds me of them and I think it's great that you helped him!
Thank Goodness there are still people like you out there! So many people get wrapped up in their own little world and never notice when someone is in need. I have noticed a lot if you just give someone a smile, they actually looked suprised! I do agree old people rock! Our neighbor at our new home recently passed away he was 93 and totally awesome, we have only lived here for a year, wished we would have known him longer, he raised champion horses, was the local sheriff and owned several bussineses in his life, had great stories and always seem to know when I needed a lift and would give me a comliment that would just make my day!
Oh that's about the sweetest story I've heard in a long time. It reminds me of when I was practicing medicine and had this little old, mildly mentally retarded couple who came to see me every other day....mostly to see if I had $5 they could 'borry'. I would drive those two around town, give 'em money, and food and whatever medical supplies they seem to take an interest in. I worried who would 'take care of them' when I quit....but I think they now stalk my husband. Old people are the greatest. I'm sure I'll be hilarious at that age....still teasing my hair, wearing too much eye shadow and trying to walk in heels!
Way to go, we need more people willing to give of their time to the older crowd. Since we will be one of those one day. It's to sad how they get treated. There was a piece on the TODAY show about giving the younger crowd an opportunity to "walk" in the shoes of thier parents & grandparents. Everyone said they had more respect & caring for the older generation now. Thanks!
how tragically this could have turned out if you were not the Good Samaritan. Such a generous spirit you are.
You have just sealed it even more what a sweet and compasionate person you are. Like others have said above, you could have just kept going and walked away letting him find his own way. But you didn't. You not only took the time to make sure he got to his love Velma but you listened to him. Something I think the younger folk should do more often. We could learn so much if we just stopped and took a moment like you.
You ROCK!!!!!
Aw, that made me get all misty-eyed!
I just hate it when people are rude or brusque to the elderly. It makes me sad to think that my grandparents could be treated that way.
Good for you for making sure they got where they were headed!
I Love You. You are going to have me rusting up again! I am proud of you. You will never be sorry when you show others kindness. It's what's in the HEART that creates the true character of a person. You have TRUE character!
You go girl. We need more people like that. I went through the Boy Scout program with my son and one of their mottos is "Do a good turn daily" I try to live up to that myself. It sounds like you did too that day.
You are a sweet, sweet person. Bless you for being so nice to them. Makes me smile!
What a blessing that you use the heart God gave you for good deeds! God comes to us in so many ways - the elderly, small children, etc. and we will be held accountable for what we do or didn't do. What a great girlfriend and soul keeper you seem to be. May God bless you with many girlfriends as you travel through life. Thanks for such a heart warming story on this early morning.
Matthew 25:40
“Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me.”
Romans 12:13
Contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.
1 Peter 4:9
Be hospitable to one another without complaint
Matthew 16:27
For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done.
Hebrews 13:2
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
What a sweet story :-)
sniff That is soo sweet! Your karma bank account just jumped way up!
oh wow... wow. first i'm sorry i haven't emailed you about getting together when you're in the windy city, things are so hectic! i am hoping after halloween i can get nosy again and try to get you to email me your intinerary. :)
okay. this is seriously, the nicest, kindest thing. to take notice that someone is being ignored and dismissed and instead of telling yourself 'wow MY day is so bad, i should be cranky to everyone else, bc i'm late, etc...' you actually had the good heart to see someone in need.
and taking 10 minutes out of your day? that could have prevented something terribly awful happening to either, or both, of them.
you've made me cry! in a good way! and totally have opened my heart this morning.
thank you for reminding me that there ARE good people, and good things, in this world.
You are such a good person. That was very very kind of you to do. I don't even want to imagine what could have happened to him or his wife if you wouldn't have helped them. Bless you and your kind, warm heart.
I found you through Edie's comment about wanting to be neighbors with you and when I saw Country Girl, I was all over it since I am guessing you are a country girl transplanting from the City....me too.
I have spent way too much time looking over your past posts, and enjoying it way too much. Yea for a new friend. :)
You are so dadgum precious! I just LOVE you! I mean like big pink fuzzy heart with glittler love you!
I'm trying to email you! It won't work! What is your email address? Mine is carrieboog@yahoo.com.
maybe I'm just hormonal, but is anyone else crying after reading this?
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