Does this outfit look familiar? This was I wore it. Why? Why, you ask?
But I really did have an interview. I know. I know. I lied. I hide my face in shame.
I went in at 9 am this morning. Ya know that company that I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to work for? Ya know the one that has had my dream job posted for 6 weeks and 5 days...approximately. Cause I was not counting or anything. Really. I wasn't.
I walked in the doors at 9 am. And FIVE HOURS later I emerged after a team interview, a NYC headquarters interview, lunch with the Regional VP, and an appointment with the company VP at the airport next week. He is flying in from NYC to meet me and all. Cause he reads my blog. And wants an autograph. I kid. I kid.
I totally peed my pants on the way out to the car. Now I need new shoes.
Can you find it in your hearts to forgive me?
Yay!! Congrats!! I'm sending positive, "hire me" vibes your way!! Good luck!
P.S. You look tres professional in that suit! If the interview was based on wardrobe alone, you'd have a slam dunk on your hands :)
OMGosh Congrats!! That is great news even if you did keep it a secret from us. =0)!!
Yay! Congrats! And nice cover up by the way, I didn't suspect a thing!!
That is the best news!!!! I think it is fair to say that many of us were becoming a bit worried about you.
I just peed my pants with you, for you! How stinking exciting!
I'm so happy for you. I can't imagine they wouldn't hire you!
Even my fingernails are crossed for you! It's not pretty, but they're crossed anyway! : )
That's SO great!!! I hope you get it!!
What did you do with the twerps during those 5 hours?
Congrats! I love your blog you have such a cute amginenation!
Girl, you are tooooo funny. It's great that you are making a confession, while wearing a fabulous suit and shoes, while standing next to a potty chair.
Hope you get the job.
I am so happy for you and you covered so well. Well I will forgive but only when you come back and tell us got the job for sure. LOL.
Best wishes! Hope you get this dream job. You looked great anyway.
I figured there was really an interview - but I am SO excited for you that it was for your dream job!
I will totally forgive you in exchange for one tube of Dr. Pepper lipgloss. Or another funny post. Your choice.
Congrats on getting the interview. You are a great person with a great personality. I will be sending positive vibes and crossing all fingers for you that you get the job!!!
By the way, great outfit you look so awesome!!!
I am so happy for you.... I need to know everything about this job !
I don't think you lied, you just didn't disclose.. (tha'ts lawyer speak) You'll get that will you will
wow. i took out my contacts and the Chinese eye chart words popped out perfectly clear. I must be deficient in more areas than one.
I'm so thrilled for you !!! I've heard the full story and as best I can tell, they're gonna be offering you a corner office. Tell IJ you're gonna be the "corner man" -- he'll get it.
Yay you! Congrats!
FIVE hours really? Did you leave Baby Twerp in the car? hahahaaa I am totally kidding of course.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!
So when will you know for sure? Do you need help picking out your office furniture? =D
yes...seriously 5 hours. i am not even joshing ya
ok...first...ya'll are the sweetest forgivers ev-a. make me smile with your concerns for baby twerp BUT
ij took off hte entire day and got the twerps to school and picked them up and thought my interview was at a condo in Mars cause I never called until 2 pm.
but he was not worried, cause he knew how much lip gloss i had taken with me.
Congrats on the interview! I hope you get your dream job!
wheeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! i am SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay you!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats!!!! How exciting.......keep us all updated! (and you look great in the suit!)
Congrats!!!! How exciting.......keep us all updated! (and you look great in the suit!)
Happy Dance! Happy Dance! Happy Dance! Congratulations cuz you WILL get the job! (Jeeze after 5 hours they better hire you!)
Way to go girl!! Congratulations! That sounds like some interview!!
that was the outfit i picked 4 u!
P>S> Sandra Leon is engaged! To Cosme! The ring is one big honkin' rock! OK, I been outta work 7 months, my sisters both got jobs and YOU...big corporate mucky-muck! Sheesh...surely the Lord will turn to me now that y'all are set! Monkey hugs and big dog kisses. The queen mum
you are in like flynn, whever flynn is! congrats!
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