Monday, January 5, 2009

Deep Thoughts By Country Girl

Oh lordy be. I am in one of those moods. What is with me lately? Pour me a glass of wine (or three) and pass me a hankie. And can I just say for the record that I miss the tradition of carrying a hankie? And while yes, I agree the concept of storing snot on a embroidered cloth in your handbag is not the most sanitary habit in the world, I still miss it. Don't you judge me. Amen.

But here I am again. Bothered. Discontented. You know one of those "I don't know what I've done or if I like who I've become" moments. Anyone else had those? Anyone? Anyone? When something just won't leave you alone but you don't know what that something is and you have not had Mexican or beans so you just can't quite put your finger on it. Well, I am there. I only had fudge brownies and cheez its for supper, so I know that ain't it.

If I have had one vice in life (other than talkin too much and exaggeration and make up obsessions and designer shoes) it is discontentment. Always. If it is good, it could be better. More. More. More. It stinks likes a Kentucky pig.

So I am lying here. Wondering. You know how you have those questions deep within you? The ones that keep you awake at night as you stare at the ceiling and wonder why they chose the floral pattern texture instead of swirls. Cause swirls seem so much more relaxing and hypnotic. What do you think?

Anyhoo, my big ol burning question for tonight is....

If I had no boundaries, no limitations, no consequences, no worries....what would I go do?

If money was no issue.
If the kids would be okay no matter what.
If all my responsibilities would be taken care of.

What would I do?

And I think I know. But tell me first, what would you do?

If you could do anything without any limitations what would be your destiny? And what is stopping you from fulfilling it?

This message has been brought to you from Deep Thoughts by Country Girl. Side effects could include uncontrollable facial muscles, loss of sleep, diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, indigestion, and a sudden urge for three inch heels.


Anonymous said...

Oh boy. I may just be the first.

I would reserve a beautiful vacation for my whole family (over 50 of us - 6 siblings - spouses - 23 grandchildren - one great-grandchild - spouses of nieces and nephews - widowed mothers in laws). We had 50+ for Christmas Eve and it was a taste of Heaven on Earth! Too short. I think we could use a few more days to love on one another!

There - you have it...for me.

Be content.

edie said...

I have more questions than answers usually, so I give you a little wisdom from one of my favorites.

"If we discover a desire within us that nothing in this world can satisfy, we should also begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for another world." C. S. Lewis

We get only glimpses here of true Eden/Heaven. And that longing.....for more or God given. The mistake is when we spend a lifetime trying to fill it with something else. That for home. And we'll be there someday. I thankful for the hunger, the longing, the desire. That longing is the closest to heaven you get on earth. Ever notice that 'the thing' itself is never as good as the longing for it?

I love your philosophical self!

basebell6 said...

quit my job, buy an RV, and travel travel travel!!!!

PS i still carry a hankie sometimes :)

Tricia Sanders said...

Check out this youtube video...

I think it says it all...

vsm/whirling dirvish photography said...

Hmm I thought of that same instance a few weeks ago.

I was laying in the hospital bed with my newborn and my hubby snoring in the corner chair... damn it was 3 am. I stared at my new son's face and wondered if my path was the right one. I looked again and it was 4 am, damn... So I just cross my fingers and do a little happy jiggle every morning that what I'm doing is best for me, him, my new son, and 3 year old daughter. IF not then 'F' it I guess I'll start over when I get there.

Dana and Daisy said...

hmm. I am going to sleep on it. Cause I don't know for sure. I feel sort of content, but not that all is perfect.

I think i am suffering from a lack of ambition lately.

Can I sleep on it? Thanks. Love, Dana

Sarah said...

I tend to have far more questions than answers. But I believe that everything we do or face is preparation for we will need in the future. And that having longing can be a good thing. That we are still growing & learning.

So explore some of those longings, it may be that you are being lead in a new direction. As long as you are seeking his direction you can't go wrong or get lost.

Scrappy Girl said...

Gee I don't know and I was gonna head to bed after reading this but now I am not sure I can go to sleep cause now I don't know what I would do...thanks. LOL! Just joking...kinda.

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

well lets see,, I dont stop long enough to think that deeply,, but I think I would just like to travel and see other interesting and beautiful places..

The Kelso-Winter Family said...

I would come visit you and IJ and the twerps! NO... i would pay for y'all to come HERE so you could visit western Canada. and then ..and then...

Cristie said...

Oh my goodness. To have whatever I wanted? What would that be like? There are sooooo many options. I guess I would have to fulfill my dream of traveling America and relishing in the great history of our country. I've always wanted to do this.

Karen's America said...

Wow! I’ve been going through this lately (in fact, it’s how I found your blog – I can enjoy your interesting life!) I always say that I was meant to be independently wealthy, and then I could pursue a more meaningful existence. Instead, I feel like a just mark days off the calendar of my life trying to get by. If the 3 conditions were met (kid, money, responsibilities) I would be the best homeschool mom in the world, I would volunteer, take in foster kids that nobody else wants, and give endless amounts of money to charities where people could do good in ways that I don’t know how. All I know to do in the mean time is to try to improve myself and my lot in life (usually by education). Thank you for your honesty in life. I really like you. Karen

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

I am doing just what I have always wanted! I am a mother, a wife, a friend, a christian, and I feel really blessed with my life and I know this is what God wants for me right now and I am happy with it!

Anonymous said...

I would leave my husband (who makes a butt-load of money), buy a teeny-tiny house (because I don't care) and fill it with shabby curb finds (again, because I don't care) and move my best friend next door (because I am tired of moving farther and farther away from her and my family) and talk and laugh and grow a garden and can vegetables... aaaahhhh....

Marchelle said...

i would buy a big huge RV, like the rockstar tour bus kind, and take my kids and hubs all across the country (i would drive) and visit all 48 states and take butt loads of pics. then we'd fly to hawaii and a couple weeks and alaska for a couple days. when we were done, we'd buy a huge ranch in montana and i'd have horses again.

P.S. meemaw was on the laptop last night readin your blog and my broseph wanted to know what she was doing and she showed him your pic and he thinks your hot.

P.S.S. i love me some iron and wine.

Linda said...

Honey, I've been askin myself that very same question most of my life. And now here you are throwing it out there in Blogland and making me think about it again. Thanks.
No, really, thanks!! Cuz I can always use a shove to get me back on track to bein a better person:)
Love you for that!

Anonymous said...

I would buy homes to remodel and sell them. We have moved too many times, because I love taking a tired home and making it special. I wish I had the guts (and money) to do it for real!

Lo said...

i got goosebumps reading this. it's one of my many, many burning questions. i'm at a crossroad in my life and this question keeps me awake at night.

i would travel. and not for pleasure. although i would get ENORMOUS amounts of happiness from it. i would travel to help children. i would travel everywhere i could, third world countries, to help children live a better life.

i know it's vague. but that's my hearts desire and as i write this i'm tearing up, bc lord knows how i'm going to be able to do that. right now i have to be happy with sponsoring and charities, when i really want to BE there.

oh, and eating as many hotdogs as i can. :) a girl can dream, right?

Dreams of a Country Girl said...

marchelle -- i am gettin a t-shirt made that says...

A 24 year old man who is not blind thinks I am hot.

Tracie said...

The answer to this is what keeps me up at night....I do not know. If I could do anything, be anything, go anywhere.....I don't know!

Tracie said...

The answer to this is what keeps me up at night....I do not know. If I could do anything, be anything, go anywhere.....I don't know!

Lo said...

Hmmm...does talent have to be an issue? I would love to design clothes or shoes, dance in the ballet, write a book that people loved that was just entertaining, write a book that was meaningful, sing and travel EVERYWHERE especially because the whole world was safe that way I could get a chance to see all that God created. In other words, enjoy the world & all that this fantastic life offers and have done something that some people will remember me for when I'm gone. While that may be a long list, I can say this though. I'm content with the life I've chosen for myself with all it's frustrations. Those frustrations make me HAVE to get creative. And I'm young. I sew now, maybe one day I'll do the other. I'm planning on forcing my daughter to take ballet. Just kidding! ;) I plan to travel. I'm writing everyday now. And my children will love me and that will be enough people to remember me after I'm gone.