I get on these kicks. These weird obsessions. In which I just cannot live without. Some last - like Dr Pepper lip gloss. Some come and go - like Baby Soft. But this one, this one is still undetermined.

But I have a new obsession with cheese. Like the smokey kind and the creamy kind and the crumbly kind. I am dreamin bout it. Eatin it for lunch and supper....I am obsessed.
What about you? What is your obsession?
yum cheese! i love harvarti. no current obsessions to me... unless naps can be obsessions.
taylor is about two yrs older than blake. i played with the two of them on our homeschool team :)
I could not live without cheese.
I watched an episode of LA ink where one of the chicas tattoos a feller with cheese on a plate with "R.I.P 2001" (don't quote me on the year there) 'cause he done gone all lactose and mourns his beloved cheese.
...I would totally do that if I was stricken with the evil protein inhibiting thingies that make one unable to eat the dairy. Sad, sad...
And as for me, my obsessions:
Cheese (could you have guessed)
Earl Grey Tea
Fuzzy Socks
Old Books
Dog Collars (no, no not for myself. For my dog)
I love me some cheese too! My current obsession, though, is cupcakes. Yes. Cupcakes. I love to look at them, bake them, and then the best part. Eat them. Yeah.
I have a few...chocolate, coffee, pizza dipped in blue cheese dressing. Now you are making me want cheese!! It's 8:15 in the morning and I would love some cheese.
Thanks for your blog...can't remember how I found it, but it makes me laugh every day:)
You nailed it.....I love cheese and wine!
Coffee and (this could get me shot) exercise. I've recently become obsessed with the cardio. I'm on a mission to get back to pre children size.
I want to see a how-to post on how you style your hair. It is gorgeous and always looks perfect. How long does that take? Do you use rollers?
My obsessions (non-food related because of this stupid diet)
Cupcakes (not the edible ones)
cherries (not the edible ones again)
Twilight (I am the one who helped Marchelle along with her addiction...I think Keli pushed too)
My current obsessions are facebook, exercise & blogging.
ashely -- i kid you not..i did a tutorialon how to fix my hair last summer....
Lately: Twitter & FB
Otherwise: Coffee (2 cups) every morning and Wine (not saying how much:) every night.
this morning it is a big fat cinnamon roll and coffee.
lately it has been facebook.
I love me some cheese!!!! My current obsessions fiery hot cheetos, facebook and Twilight!!!
oh my goodness i love LOVE CHEESE. cheese and WINE? and an APPLE???? fuggeddhaboutit. i. am. done.
my current obsession is dos equis beer with nachos. oh lordy.
Cheese is my secret lover.
And chips and salsa (even better if it's my mama's salsa)
Caramel Apple Spice from Starbucks.
Lemon Pound Cake from Starbucks.
I think those are my only obsessions right now. And they are in order. I have never been able to get into wine......but I want to!
I a big fan of cheese! I also love Coke w/ lime wedges! Oh and I'm obsessed with handbags...did you say it had to be food?? xo
i have a fantastic brie recipe but i'm obsessed with facebook lately
Coffee, chocolate and running!
I'm a chocolate freak! Also a lip gloss girl! My favorite for real is Dr. Pepper, the big fat one that is hard to find. I love it!!! I have worn it religiously since 7th grade when I snuck and bought my first tube! Been buying it ever since and now I'm in my 40s. :)
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