Last night I settled in for some bedlam and snuggles.

And let me tell you, there are no two twerps on the face of the earth that understand snuggles more than my two youngest spawn.

If I sit down, it is like a magnet...they are there...and I love it

But let me tell you. some times it can become - uncomfortable, restricting, not-so-pleasant, a little suffocating.

Cause you see that little sliver of bed in the middle of these two boys? That is where I slept all night last night .... ALL NIGHT.

All I am sayin is they won't be doing this when they are 17 and 16. So I have to eat it all up right now. Or have more in a few years? I think we should vote on it.
Since I have two snuggle bug boys and now one daughter with night terrors...I so get the little sliver in the middle. Wait and see and in a few years decide. Until then, just ENJOY it. It makes me want to cry when I think of how fast they grow and how soon they won't be snuggling 24/7. BTW - I'm having my first ever give away...stop by!
Go for it!!
Oh how cute. I love kid snuggles. It's more rare for me now though since mine are 8.5 and 5.5. Enjoy the crowd while you can!
yes, have another! But space them out so they;re not all in college at one time. Seriously!
dana -- ha! My job pays for my kids' college -- 100%.
i know. i know. WONDEFUL!
those pics are so sweet!
kid snuggles are priceless..but beware or they MAY be wanting to do that at 16/17!
Oh I kinda envious. We were super strict about the kids not sleeping in our bed so now when I want a snuggly sleepy nap and put them in bed with me, they look at each other and say "PARTY TIME!!!". Zero sleeping gets done
then I would definitely keep that job!
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