You know how something can seem like a really good idea at the time, but when it actually comes times to DO it...you weren't playin with a full deck. I always get caught up in the moment and volunteer for everything out there, only to realize I never really wanted to do it. Then I am stuck.

For example, hamster-sitting. Eldest Twerp had a pet hamster in her class and in the heat of the moment, I was all like
"Oh WE can babysit Valentine. No problem. We would LOVE it. No really, I insist." Then all the kids thought I was the cool mom and I got super cool mom points. But that is where all the fun and games ended. Cause then we actually had to watch the darn little rodent.

Or as Baby Twerp called it, the "Wascally Wittle Wabbit." I love my little speech impediment kid.

And I could not keep Middle Twerp way. It was his baby. His re-pons-bill-tee.

And I was fine with that...

It mean it kept the hamster out of my hair and it kept MT away from using my dental floss as spiderman web slingers....

So it was a beautiful harmony...or so I thought...


Until they decided to put the little rodent in it ball and ROLL IT DOWN THE STAIRS.

Cause it would appear to a 4 year-old that this would be like a roller coaster....but what is it I see to the left of the ball...on the carpet...the little yellow dot??

URINE! URINE! URINE! And not just any urine but RODENT URINE!

Please excuse my while I go vomit...

Of course, you can hardly blame the little rat-like creature. I think there would have been more than urine to clean up had I been the one to be rolled down the stairs....That is all I am sayin bout that.

After a few hours it got really quiet....which causedsany mother to become concerned...and when I looked in the playroom I found this....

And soon he became Ratman....in the Ratcave... Oh Lord help me.

He still was able to conquer the Joker....But it just didn't seem right to me...

I don't think this poor little rodent will ever be so glad to return to a classroom of 23 kids.

Cause it has endured more than I can imagine in a weekend.

MT is gonna miss his little buddy.

And the teacher is gonna wonder why she has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ...

and goes in the shakes...

Anytime she is placed in this ball...

Cause this little boy....

has fallen in love...

and he wants a hamster..

and since I said no, he asked for a pony....

and since I said no to that he asked for a dolphin...

I am afraid to say no anymore...what will come next, A T-Rex?

So we have now said goodbye to Ratman and the house has quieted down a little....A LITTLE. And I can tell you one thing fo shiz. I will be thinking twice before I raise my hand to volunteer again. Probably. More than likely. Maybe.
Call me the evil step mom if you want, but I firmly put my foot down on rodents and amphibians as pets. And when pushed, I just say, Daisy is the natural predator! Of course Daisy has never killed a thing in her life except the paper bag that encases her cat food in the pantry. But that is just between us!
Oh you should totally get him a hamster or better yet, a guinea pig because they go really fast in those balls.
I loved my gb when I was little. Besides, he's just too precious to say no to.
C'mon Mom....
I'm with Dana - no rodents of any kind. Hamsters, GP, rat, mouse, and anything that is an amphibian. Not happening in my house. I'm strictly a puppy/kitty person.
Glad to see I'm not the only one always volunteering for shiz I really didn't want to do in the first place. At least you follow through. Me, notsomuch! The hamster being rolled down the stairs in his ball reminds me of when my 5 year old rapped my 4 month old in a blanket like a burrito and tried the same thing. I about died, no the baby about died and Jaxon's response was "what? I wrapped him up like a burrito for protection." Thanks for the close up of the rodent pee, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. You're a hoot.
I know I'm awful but I laughed and laughed! That poor little creature. I hope you are able to return it alive. Glad that your boy has had so much fun with it though.
And I hear you on the varment pee. Yikes!
Hey at least it's just a hampster. My step son wants a tarantula. Yeah. When Hell freezes over.
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