I however had a call at 9 am. And can you imagine a conference call with NYC and little ol me and a sick 3 year old who must wipe snot across my neck and cough in my ear. I am just sayin this would not fly for a 90 minute conference call with people who live in flats and go out to hip cool places at night and send children to the suburbs where they belong....
So, I did what any good career mom would do. I loaded them up on Tylenol, took them to preschool and told them not to tell a soul and quit with the rosy cheeks. I then took ET to work with me and told her to be seen but not heard. Then I kissed her and told her I would always pay for her therapy.
Fifteen minutes later, this was her....

I know this sounds weird, but I see you bought a new rug!
I hope everyone is feverless tomorrow.
Love, Dana
I blow my mother of the year award every year- I thinking maybe when they get out of the house and on their own maybe just maybe I might get back in the running.
We are self employed too and I had to drag 3, yes 3 young (like 4,5, and a baby) boys to a meeting one time in a roomful of business men whom I am convinced had their wives or secretary's call them on their cell every 2 minutes to look important- meanwhile I am sitting there with 2 kids getting ready to rip into a full fledged fight and one who was still teething at the time. At that very moment I realized why some animals eat their young! lol
Awwww....."A" for effort CG! You did a great job given the circumstances.
no dana i think that's the same rug that was in the livin room in the ghetto- isn't it cg? i dunno. it seems familiar for some reason. i like it tho!!
also? SUCKAH cuz you took that pic with yer new coach bag in it. and girl? that thing is HEEYYYUGE!! but i am a big purse gal too and i adoreooooreee that thing. i would totally date your coach bag if you gave me it's hand in marriage.
and you aint' no bad motha cuz you gots to work!! you gotta do whatcha gotta do girl. you did fine.
Ah, poor ET.
I know your snot situation very well. My rabbit is sick and can't stop snotting all over the place.
Yummy. :P
That super organized home office looks way familiar. I have a very similiar 'design'.
Maybe you can line up some wine glasses and give everybody a swig or two tonight. I don't think you'd regret it!
You were smart to take the conference call without the 3 year old coughing and snottin all over, cause that's exactly what would have happened. I don't know how you do it, but you're doing your best and I'm sure you are an amazing mom (drugging a side). :)
What a rough day. I know your pain. Lulu has been complaining of a sore throat. She has a big ballet recital Sat. & then Gman starts running a fever today. Ugh! We'e had nothing for the past 3 weeks & nothing for the next 3 so why must they get sick this week.
Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
Hey I think there is no place for laundry like in the living room. I HATE with a passion putting it away...actually I also have issues getting it out of the dryer. My poor children ;o)
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