Monday, March 16, 2009

It's Just How We Roll: Always

I know you wonder how an average regular night rolls at our house and I am here to tell you....This is a VERY normal night. Actually this is how almost every single night of out lives roll: peace, quiet, health, wisdom, and perfection. Just like the family we are.Every night we go out on the back deck and enjoy a nice healthy meal..... As you will notice I am almost ready to burst forth in song right here. It's like living in a musical. We are just that happy and idealistic. (I am most certain I am singing a tune that will cause birlds to lite on my shoulders and sew me a dress. I am FOR SURE not sayin, "If I told you once I told you a thousand times NOT to put worms in your underwear!" Nope. Never. Just keepin it clear.)We have a soy based meal of yogurt and granola and organic fruitand become at one with nature (Please ignore the blackberry in my hand. I am most certain I was looking up herbs and whey protein shakes. Or potentially shoes.)as we sit and relax and become one with ourselves.
Go to your place of peace. Focus. Breathe. Ah. Em.
Yep. This is just an average normal day in the life of Country Girl. This is just how we roll. Always.


Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...


That looks as about average as you can get!


Lo said...

why o why are you eatin' ice cream in heels??? that's against the law. you must be barefoot or in slippers. just sayin :)

The Kelso-Winter Family said...

Ommmmmm.. Namaste.