By the time your third spawn comes along, you are laid back - hands off - easy going - so you know if you take them to the ER it ain't
cause they sneezed.

Last night
BT couldn't breath and was
running a temp of 102.9 we just couldn't get down. So, per his pediatricians request, we drove him to the ER --

and he has the war wounds to prove it.

After THREE breathing treatments and steroids...

He was wiped out...

and still not breathing well

So they decided to transport him to the downtown Children's hospital...

Even the ambulance ride did not bring a smile to his angel face...

So I asked from them to turn on the lights and sirens -- I mean for BABY Twerp and all - not for me. No No No! Why would I POSSIBLY care about that? I asked to drive to -- for
BT and all -- Not for me.

Then they said "Ma'am, he is in the back ASLEEP -- are you sure you just aren't a big kid yourself?"

Whatever -- I am the epitome of mature. But they were right -- he was knocked out. And the hospital still was not pleased with his vitals and
breathing so they admitted him.

But this morning -- he wanted eggs and pancakes

and oatmeal and muffins

and I blogged from my bed...

and asked him -- if momma can get you anything to make you better, I will....What do you want sweetheart??? I promise I will get it.

And he looked over at me and said PLAIN AS DAY --

I want a puppy.
Poor BT!! He looks so little in that big hospital bed. :( Dang! But that's good that he asked for that big 'ole breakfast. I'll keep my fingers crossed! :)
oh gosh CG! Is he going home today? Is he asthmatic? What brought this on? Just the other day he was all giggles and smiles. Bless his heart!
Aunt Dana is praying for him! (that's what most kids call me so he can call me that too!) I just want to give him a get better hug right now!
Now...get that kid a puppy... after all he's been through...poor baby...(spoken from a grandmotherly point of view of course) Best wishes for his speedy recovery and a furry friend to help him.
Poor baby! You should give him an entire litter! I hope he gets to go home soon and feels all better!!!
He deserves the litter and you deserve a pedicure for all the stress!
Very glad he is feeling better. What kind of puppy are you getting? Julie
Hope your little guy gets better soon. Things like this are so scarey. Puppy huh!!!
Poor Baby - hope he is feeling better in no time- and good luck training a new puppy! :)
Oh I hope BT is going to be OK, it's not swine flu is it?! Now when you get home you ARE going to get him that puppy right? Cause little sweet chaps deserve a puppy when they have to go to the ER. Have a great day and I am praying that BT is going to be OK.
~Molly P
Your little man....so cute...even from a hospital bed! I am sure he will be good as new and awaiting that promised puppy :-)
So glad he's OK and home.
uh oh! looks like a puppy is on its way to your place...
Aaahhhh BT....God love him!!!! So, whatcha gonna name your new puppy???
That's one smart kid you got there. You NEED a puppy. I would love to see how that would shake things up at your house.
Hope he's feeling better. That's hard on everybody.
So glad that BT is alright! I know we were all praying for him!
Oh my gosh, is he okay now?
Get that boy a puppy girl!
Last time I asked my boy what he wanted, he said a, 'little brother'. Uhh...not happening!:)
Get well soon to BT. -Susan
POOR POOR Baby Twerp! I am sooo sorry. Crying for you praying for you....now laughing with you too :)
Poor baby, nothing is as sweet or as sad as a sick baby, esp. when a trip the the ER is involved. Get that baby a puppy, we've been puppy hunting lately I can help.
BYW - smart kiddo!
Oh dear, I hope he is on the mend soon and that it's nothing serious! Puppy, puppy, I can see it now! :) Get some sleep and hang in there, sounds like it's been a long day!
Oh my.. I hope he is feeling better. D had mono one year and the steroids worked wonders in hours. Let us know who he doing.
Oh I am so sorry to hear he was in the hospital!! I hope is on the mend now!! Now that is hilarious "a puppy" BA HA HA HA LOL!!! He gotcha good with that one, smart kiddo!!
Yes! You totally need a puppy. :) I totall agree with that Twerp!
reading this my eyes teared up!!!! you are such a strong mom to keep a sense of humor during such a trying time. i think i'd be losin it in the bathroom. thank. goodness. he is okay. thank god he's okay.
also? a puppy? as you say, lawsie mercy.
A puppy? Too funny. I'm sorry he was so sick. And I've got three kids so I totally am w/ you on the 'if they go to the ER, it's not because they sneezed' thing. I rarely take the kids to the doctor...oh the money I could have saved. Hope he's all better. Hugs, to your little guy.
Poor little guy!!! Hope he's feeilng better. Smart boy ..asking for a puppy..did you get one yet?
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