Baby Twerp is finally old enough to play t-ball. And he and MT are on the same team this year. Can I just say how the Lord of Heaven and Earth has shown forth his glory and radiance upon my humble and unworthy homestead. Amen.

Disclaimer: This was the night BEFORE the ER visit. I did not have my baby out at t-ball
practice the day he was released from the hospital. At least that is the story I am
stickin to.
But we have a little "issue" we are gonna have to work through this season.

Does anyone wanna guess what it is?

I am just
every time the fall is thrown in your general direction --
Lordy Be.

It was kinda

But you know what I am TOTALLY leaning on with the other moms when we get back to the next practice, don't ya?

I am totally
playin up the fact that he had the CROUP and had to go to the ER and was admitted to the HOSPITAL. And we are gonna down-play the fact that he fell to the
ground wailing and gnashing of teeth
everytime he was tagged out.

Bless his heart.
LOL, that is so sweet...And funny!!! What a funny little guy you have there!! Love the pictures, those will haunt him someday LOL!!
I would even take the pics of him in the hospital. He obviously was not feeling his usual victorious self that day.
Hope he's doing better!<3
Oh my...that is too funny. Not for you, but for those of us watching from a far:)
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