The gloves just were not cuttin it. We had to pull the gloves off. We were all about business. Soon, the phone rang and I went inside, locked myself in my bedroom, stuffed a towel under door, barricaded the door, and had a normal conversation with my friend. What? This is not a normal routine for you? Soon I heard knock and a sweet, "Momma?" It was this precious boy.
"What my sweet, precious angel?" "Can you brush my teeth?" "I sure can, why?" "Because the frog pee peed in there." Gag!
Disclaimer: My husband later denied this allegation. Truth or cover-up? You decide.
The boys are SO cute!!!! I have a little boy too and he's a doll. I wish I had more boys!
Thanks again for the goodies;). My husband especially thanks you since he ate two sandwiches made with Tony C's last night;).
I was SO happy that I saw my Jackson and Cooper today(and their Mommy too) at the Zoo. I have missed(and their Mommy too) them since im in Pre-K now. You really have some beautiful babies(even though you know that)and you should be so proud.
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