Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New Series...

Today is yet again another Silver Sneaker day...a day of senior citizen yoga at its finest. I had planned to wake up this fine brisk day and start a new series here on Country Girl. A series? Since when did I go all Facts of Life on you? I don't know sometimes I like to pretend that I am a famous syndicated author typing lovely humor into the lives of millions of readers -- as opposed to what I really am -- a stay at home mom desperately seeking a life and journaling (to avoid therapy which will cost me millions) for my one reader -- Hello? Are you out there mom?

But maybe it is the nostalgic Margie, or the blast from the past high school contact I had this week or the fact that I am thinking about my glory days often..but I was going to start a Blast from the Past series here on Country Girl, complete with big bangs, initialed glasses and bird legs. But alas, the scanner I purchased is missing a cord, or a chip, or a giga byte, or mega byte or a cranium cerebellum. Either way, we are on hold. I can hear the sighs sigh of relief.

I am off to do the sun god or dog pose or something yogaish with Margie and Suzie, who of course will be late. Until next time.....


ptamom3 said...

We can't wait to see that Farrah Fawcett hair... didn't we all have it?? I know I did. Any series from you will be so worth the read! Bring it on!!

Scrappy Girl said...

I too realize the great deal I am receiving on "bloggy therapy." I have alot of the same feelings toward being a SAHM. While I realize the importance of what I am doing I REALLY long for adult conversation.

The Kelso-Winter Family said...

Hi. it's your one reader. i had to have worse than you.. and i'm SURE i can beat your prom pic..bring it on!