Friday, July 4, 2008


If anyone has followed this blog for awhile, you are painfully aware of the struggles I have had with this Twerp and his hearing. I had the dilemma of whether to go ahead and get tubes in Oklahoma, since he failed four hearing screenings, OR to wait until after the move and get him set up with a new pediatrician. I decided to wait and today he had his first appointment.
First, let me say I LOVE his new pediatrician and they did such a thorough job. And they went ahead a did an objective hearing screening FOR FREE even though my insurance did not cover it. And....he passed...with flying colors. So, he has no hearing issues and he does NOT need tubes. That deserved a Popsicle from his new doc. My new insurance does cover speech therapy, so I got a referral and will call to make an appointment Monday. THANKS SO MUCH for your prayers, Hail Marys, and Buddha belly rubs. I just love ya all to pieces.


Pony Girl said...

Good news!!
Stop by my site sometime soon and pick up your award!! :)

Kim said...

Yea! Definitely worth an Otter Pop or twelve!

CindyDianne said...

Oh! That's just great. Congratulations!

Heck yeah that deserves a Popsicles!

Scrappy Girl said...

That is such good news! I know how much of a relief that was.

Hmmmm...popsicles from a doc...I will have to tell Dr. Hubby about that. Nice idea for the summertime. My kids barely let them get froze before they eat them...

Treasia Stepp said...

That's wonderful news.

Sandel said...

I know that is the best feeling. that is awsome.

Hope4Grace said...

Awesome news! Good job mom!

spanki said...

oh, i am so happy to hear that he is just fine! i wish my doctor gave me popsicles, i'd make going to the o.b. a lot easier!

Marchelle said...

yay for baby twerp! great news!

Dana and Daisy said...

Yeah Baby Twerp! I am so glad. I didn't know you had suspected a hearing problem since I'm a new reader, but I love any and all good news! And it's good those tubes won't have to be in his ears because it would give him one more reason to stay out of the water! And I know you want him to enjoy your summer trips to the pool and lake! happy 4th of July!

feather k said...

Good news to HEAR!!! YAY!!!

The Kelso-Winter Family said...

your mother's intution was right. hooray!