So I was all eager beaver parent tonight at
PreK orientation. I took my mace pepper spray just in case anyone on the waiting list tried to take me out. I also wrote out my will before I left to ensure
PreK placement in my absence or vegetable-like state. I was covered either way.

But I sat through the TWO AND A HALF HOUR orientation and was taking notes and asking questions and gathering info and then it hit hit me like a ton of the belly.

My Middle Twerp....was, and I sniffled, but just a little and no one noticed...probably.

But then I something happened. Something broke within me...the levee was not secured and the flood gates opened and the water began to flow [i have no clue what i am talking about there. i totally act like i work for the army corp of engineers -- again i do not even know who they are]

But in a crazy desperate move to hide my wailing I looked down to the ground, and noticed I was-wearing my oh-so-cute-three-inch-black-pumps-from-Nine-West. And oh how I have missed those shoes....and then I wailed even more.

But in an attempt to explain in all, I broke out into song...
Is this the little girl I carried?
Is this the little boy at play?
I don't remember growing older
When did they?
When did she get to be a beauty?
When did he get to be so tall?
Wasn't it yesterday
When they were small?
Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze
And everyone just kinda stared, but I knew they were feelin it too.

I had to get
ahold of myself. Oh, but wait..have you seen my cute heels that I use to wear everyday -- I have a pair in black and chocolate and even patent leather red...oh so sexy....

And I took this pic to show Indiana Jones how they will cultivate the feminine side of Middle Twerp too...

And let me be the first to say that
sittin in those
teenie weenie chairs for TWO AND A HALF HOURS made my
hiney go numb.
But back to more important things, Can you see my shoes? Just in case you are wondering, I am the one to the left in the photo...just clarifying cause you can't see the right girl's shoes.
I am losing a son, but gaining my shoes back. I am wearing them tomorrow to vacuum and sing Sunrise Sunset...and cry....sniffle sniffle.
A woman without her heels is just sad. Celebrate your return to them baby!
And next time can we get a recording of the singing?
Oh the joy of watching our kids grow up. As hard as it is to comprehend it's so sweet.
BTW, I absolutely love those shoes. And if I had some like that I would wear them while I was vaccuming too. :-)
I think we were pretty sure lady on the right wasn't you.... :)
You are adorable, and your humor is great! Ooooooo and did you know those pumps are absolutley wonderful ?! ;-)
Awe CG! It'll be alright! I'm just the opposite of you. I have an annual party on the first day of school. After the last one goes out the door and everyone is a safe distance from home, I break out my Stevie Wonder Early Years collection and sing and dance to "Everybody say Yeah!" But then again, mine are way past the pre-K stage.
When Chloe went to Prek (last year) it really didn't bother me too much. I think maybe if she'd cried and pitched a fit, I would've probably taken it a lot harder. Now at the end of the school year last year, when I registered her for kindergarten, it hit me and I cried.....a lot. I really dread it when my youngest starts school. I've got about 3 years to go, so maybe I can prepare myself mentally. Probably not, though. By the way, awesome shoes!!
omg this cracked me up!!!!!!! i LOVE them there shoes girlfriend! i have some in chocolate brown, and some black sling back ones.
Oh those are great shoes! I am glad y'all are getting reacquainted! What is it about shoes that can make a girl feel so sexy?
Jordan and Cassidy say NOOO Pre School for Middle Twerp!
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