Thursday, July 24, 2008

Where Do You Go To Have An Emotional Breakdown?

I had a nervous breakdown today. Complete with tears and screaming like a madwoman and glasses. I do not know why, but anytime an emotional breakdown is about to occur, I need to take out the contacts and put on my glasses and pull my hair up in a ponytail. It helps.
So I did what an irrational, insane, inept nervous breakdown schizo would do. I called Indiana Jones cryin and a weepin and he came home so I could go here...
And sit down in the middle of the aisle and listen to NOTHING and chase NO ONE and read something with more then two syllables that does not rhyme.
And drink some of this...
Notice the glasses...

And I stare at the pics of tranquil children and pretend they are mine.

And then 2 hours later I can come home and pretend like nothing is wrong.

I might have another one tomorrow. I am only on chapter seven.


♥ Becky ♥ said...

I'm sorry to hear you had a breakdown, but you have an awesome husband in IJ who would come home so you could leave.
When this happens to me my kids just look at me like they are waiting for my head to spin and for green stuff to come spewing out of my mouth.
Sometimes as a Mom you just have to get away from it all and the bookstore and coffee are the best!!!

Jenifer said...

Nothing cures a bad mood like Barnes and Noble. Especially when you are reading Sophie Kinsella! (I'm a blog stalker, can't help myself.) Hope you don't mind!

Jubilee on Earth said...

Okay, so what happened to the post with all your pictures? It was in my Google Reader, but then when I went to your blog to comment, it was gone. Bring it back! It was cute! It was real. I loved it. I was born in '74, so I had the same looks going on. That post made me smile, and I am eagerly awaiting the junior high posts.

You can find a similar post in my archives. Go to my blog ( and then search for the words "yep I suck" (don't ask).

I just wanted to let you know that you're not the only one who posts pictures of the past with big teeth and glasses. What gets me, though, is that tweens these days don't go through that awkward, goofy stage. They look perfect. What happened???


Jubilee on Earth

Anonymous said...

sometimes we just have to do that...and i love how you added that you came home like nothing was wrong, i would so do that too!

Tracie said...

That's very cool the IJ came home, my hubby probably would have told me tuff. Hope you enjoyed your time out

Scrappy Girl said...

I ABSOLUTELY love Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic series. They are currently filming the first movie and it will be out next year!

Kim said...

Thought you'd sneak that chocolate by without a mention, didya? Well, one can't forget the very important role chocolate plays in the recovery process!

Hope today is much better!

Love ya!

Kim said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I just looked at "Country Girl - The Early Years" in my reader! I feel your pain! You should see some of mine from those days. The one from about 4th grade is a hoot! I'm wearing what we called my "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" dress with long, stringy ringlets and a big sloppy smile with the chubbiest cheeks you've ever seen!

BTW, the second photo looks like a female Baby Twerp! He's the spittin' image!

Marchelle said...

if it helps, i've found jose. he was at the pool here at the resort i'm staying in and he was cutting palm leaves out of the trees, to use to fan you with, no doubt. i'll post pics when i get back.

The Kelso-Winter Family said...

important to ask for help when you need it! for sure you needed a break!

Angela said...

I have been on that same road this summer- and ended up at Barnes and Noble too ! We are sailing in the same boat! It ended up being my best night out! I am ready to roll now!