The lake has become my serenity, my place to become at one with myself, the place finding my inner core....

Oh what am I sayin. Please forgive me, I must be honest....the lake has become my free babysitter, and I love her and think I might give her a raise...maybe.
But we went to the lake, again, today and while most children are out picking their mothers dandelions and daisies...Middle Twerp picks me this...

And oh how proud he is...
Look mom, I saved its life for you...
Well, who in God's green earth cannot think that is the sweetest thing in the world...I mean it was going to drown in the water and all.

It was like a two for one...a saved life and a gift for mom....gosh I love those kinda sales.

Then there was Baby Twerp...

After securing some food in his belly,

he began to warm up and mentally prepare for the challenges ahead...

in with the good chi, out with the bad chi...

and as a side note, can we please observe these dimples on his backside....I have these too and I MUST ask, are these normal or did we just get dimples on the wrong cheeks...I am just

But after the little mini session of centering his core...this occurred

and then this...

he had gotten dirty and I have now found one thing Baby Twerp hates worse than water...dirt.

We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to pose a question...

This is a new toe nail color and a little bolder than normal for me...does it scream Super Cuts Receptionist to you? Not that I don't love and accept the Super Cuts Receptionist, cause I do. I just cannot pull off as many colors as her [or him] and I am
innerly secretly jealous.

And just as things were winding down and I had gotten through five chapters of my book and the kids would now sleep in the car...the heavens opened up and God himself allowed this to occur...

Out of nowhere these two angels came riding their sea
doos over. My Twerps started talking to their twerp and they were all like,
Why don't you and your kids take the sea doos out? 
They might have said something afterwards but I was miles away in the lake on their sea
doo. And yes mom, I left the Twerps there...but if they were willing to trade a sea
doo for three Twerps....someone was
getiin the short end of that stick...that is all I am saying.

But I took the kiddos out too and let me just say,

Middle Twerp has a need...a need for speed. This little boy is a maniac and a dare devil...Lord have mercy.

But we had a
FabUlous time and got burnt...like crispy bacon...which I love...sorry.
But this pic...this pic I do not remember...what was coming toward me...It must have knocked me out...

But when I came to, they had written their number in the sand and said to call them and we would go out again next week...SERIOUSLY.
Do you think it was too much to call on the way home?
Great post! I have the same dimples on my back and so do most of my kiddos. I think they're pretty much normal or maybe we're all of the same genetic mutation. As for the nail color....love it, and that opinion has nothing to do with the fact that I have that exact shade on *my* toes as I type this.
i love to get burnt like crispy bacon. call me ridiculous, but i do love me a good sunburn.
Oh how I love the lake and jet skis!!
that looks like so much fun!
oh, I forgot to mention, how I love a free babysitter also!
FUN! Isn't it nice when grown-ups share?
I love the pic of baby twerp doin' the chi.
I love my bacon crispy. I always ask. Kind of picky that way (about bacon, anyway!)
Loved this post. I have the same dimples on my backside as well. Before the end of summer Baby Twerp will be swimming. He has come a long way.
Looks like you all had a blast-if it weren't so darn hot here I would love to go to the lake-at least I can live vicariously through your pics for now
I just love a two-fisted cookie eater!
I think you need to get a jet ski for your family. They are so much freakin fun. And how sweet of those people to offer their toys to your fam. I love lakes....I too am a country girl turned city girl and im going bananas!!!!
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