Saturday, August 16, 2008

Nothing Like It

Friday evening we went to the aquarium for a little jazz and fish... There is nothing quite like a little jazz with your fish. Baby Twerp has found his love.
He gets more excited over the fish than over his morning latte.
And that is sayin something.
But there is nothing quite like it.
And I absolutely adore it.
There is nothing better than watching the pure joy and excitement of a child.
Especially this child.
There is also nothing like learning that you SHOULD NOT slide down the whale slide in a skirt. Nuff said.
And there is also nothing like a game of late night tag under the downtown sky.


Marchelle said...

that 4th pic is like so totally rad. those fish are ginormous!!!!

♥ Becky ♥ said...

That is an amazing aquarium. You took some great pictures. Looks like baby twerp might have a great job in the future. :-)

Dana and Daisy said...

That is a great pic of little twerp and those big fish!
For a little guy that doesn't like water, he sure likes the aquarium! Little guys are so wonderful!

Nicole McLaughlin said...

OMG, I click on and Meet Me in Montana comes on!!! I LOVE THIS SONG!! Little story, (get some tissues) My father died when I was 10. He had been sick for a long time, he was the love of my mothers life. That summer (about 3 weeks after he died) we had to get away. My mother packed my sister and I up and we drove to Colorado. She bought this tape right before we left. I remember pretending to be asleep in the passenger seat of our van while my mother belted this song out at the top of her lungs right thru her sobs, it was heart wrenching. I quitely cried facing away from her. I didn't want her to know I heard her. She sang "Meet me in Colorado" I will never forget that moment, this song still brings me to it is now....

Dreams of a Country Girl said...

nicole -- you are an amazing woman...and i cannot imagine what a support you are for your you have been for me.

i am so sorry for your loss and i appreciate you sharing -- thank you.

i hope your day is as beautiful as you.


Laura B. said...

Wow! What great pictures. Now that I have my "new" camera, I need to head back to the aquarium. I feel bad though when I elbow the little kids outta the way so I can see the jellyfish and penguins better. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Is that the ATL aquarium??

Great pics and I love that place! The whale shark is pretty much King there!