I kid. I kid. About this pic part.
I just did not have my camera with me. I kid. I kid. Again.
I had it. I just forgot about it. Shew. I am on a roll.
Anyhoo, Middle Twerp did all the work. But Baby Twerp joined in on the eatin. Very predictable and all. (Please notice the event MT is partakin in. File away for future reference.)
Last night, Eldest Twerp made her cookies. We have found it to be best to separate the boys cooking time from her cooking time. It makes life easier. And less bloody. Which is good around the cookies and all.
Her cookies also turn out better and I eat them. The boys have been known to pick a winner while cooking (Reference earlier picture of MT). I stray away from their finished products. Don't worry. If you ever come over for dinner, I will warn you what they cook. Probably.
But we went and gots ourselves some punkins. And we all know you HAVE to wear your Halloween costumes when you pick out your punkin. It is a fact. That I knew nutin bout.
And I have no idea why I started talking all hick and all, but I shall stop now. Probably.
Apparently, this was not the right thing to say.
And while Baby Twerp was all wiggin out on us. Middle Twerp was consumed with cutting. He just had to cut SOMETHING. I took the squalling Baby Twerp to him.
I KID. I KID! Totally Kidding.
What a fun night!! The cookies look yummy!! I canNOT say no to cookies. Except ones that contain winners, of course!
They did an awesome job! And Eldest Twerps cookies look super yummy!
I can't tell you what it means to me to hear you say punkin' and 19 and 82. My daughter programmed her name and number into my cell phone so every time she calls me--this is what I see
at-gurl-a-yurz. She would love the punkin too.
that baby twerp....him and the boy would make quite the pair. he is not fond of getting dirty either. wusses. ;)
and i EL OH VEE EE me some roasted punkin seeds...with lots of salt.. mmm...mmmm.....
oh my gosh!!!!! i love the smile on MT's face in the last photo!! totally made me grin myself ;)
and that punkin is pretty darn nice too!!!! ifa do say so mahself. (i can be country too.)
sigh. i'm so jealous of your seeds. (never thought i'd say that. hm.)
How cute are those babies!!! Looks like a good time was had by all... yeah, my hubby does the cuttin' round these parts, too.
Sorry your hair appt was so dramatic! I know the feeling and have burst into tears in the beautician's chair, as well. Sometimes good, sometimes bad... Your hair looks beautiful in the pix though.
Happy Halloween!
That there was a purdy darn cute story.
~Mad in Alabama
I need to apologize for laughing when I seen baby Twerp crying over the pumpkin guts! LOL!
Mine DO NOT like getting their hands DWIRTEE either! Happy Halloween
((((big hug))))
Your posts make me laugh. But the subject scares me. I have flashbacks of people putting pumpkins on my doorstep, then coming back, me chasing them in barefoot running through who knows what, and then flipping out. So please no more pumpkin stories. Thanks.
Looks like a fun time! Your cookies look GREAT! I had a cookie crisis this week. As much as I like to cook and bake....I CAN NOT do cut out sugar cookies! I give up! I was in charge of the cookie walk and ended up taking store bought cookies! Seriously! What kind of SAHM am I? I need a lesson on cut out sugar cookies!
i feel your pain! animal sacrifices - so dangerous. nearly lost a digit myself - us heathens have to stick together.
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